Transient Heat Transfer Analysis on the Evaporator of a Micro-Cooler prior to Roiling

마이크로 쿨러 증발기의 비등 전 과도열전달 해석

  • Published : 2002.02.01


It has been investigated for the temperature profile in a planar evaporator of micro-cooler subject to a uniform heat flux prior to tole initiation of boiling. The results of the analysis allow for the determination of applied power levels fur which nucleation is likely to occur only within the vapor grooves of the evaporator while maintaining subcooling in the liquid core, thereby increasing the likelihood of a successful startup. Also, limits are fecund for which additional increases in the applied heat flux do not increase the temperature difference between the vapor grooves and the wick-liquid core interface. This analysis is appropriate for the microscale evaporators of micro-cooler during a fully-flooded startup as well as starter pump designs and micro-CPLs(capillary pumped loops). The results are useful in the initial basic design of microscale heat transfer devices.



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