- Bull. Fac. Assint Univ. β-open sets and β-continuous mappings M. E. Abd El-Momsef
- Fuzzy sets and systems v.116 α-compactness in L-fuzzy topological spaces H.Aygun
- Fuzzy sets and systems v.109 P-closedness in L-fuzzy topological spaces H.Aygun;S.R.T.Kudri
- Fuzzy sets and systems v.44 On fuzzy strong semicontinuity and fuzzy precontinuity A.S.Bin Shahna
- Fuzzy β-open sets and Fuzzy β-continuous mappings in fuzzy topological spaces S.H.Cho
A note on regular semiopen sets and
$S^{*}$ -closed sets in L-fuzzy topological spaces S.H.Cho - A compendium of Continuous Lattices G.Gierz(et al.)
- Fuzzy sets and Systems v.67 Compactness in L-fuzzy topological spaces S.R.T.Kudri
- Fuzzy sets and Systems v.76 Some good L-fuzzy compactness - related concepts and their properties Ⅰ S.R.T.Kudri;M.W.Warner
- Fuzzy sets and Systems v.76 Some good L-fuzzy compactness - related concepts and their properties Ⅱ S.R.T.Kudri;M.W.Warner
Fuzzy Sets and Systems
Semicompactness and
$S^{*}$ -closedness in L-fuzzy topological spaces S.R.T.Kudri - Fuzzy sets and Systems v.35 Fuzzy topology with respect to continuous lattices M.W.Warner
- Fuzzy Sets and Systems v.42 Frame - fuzzy points and membership M.W.Warner
- J. Fuzzy Math. v.3 no.1 Strongly compact and p-closed fuzzy topological spaces A.M.Zahran