A Study of the Difference in Body Composition, Eating Habits and Dietary Intake in Three Sasang Constitutions among Elementary School Children

사상의학적 체질에 따른 일부 초등학교 5학년생의 체성분, 식습관 및 식이 섭취량의 비교

  • Published : 2002.02.01


The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference of body composition, eating habits and dietary intake in three Sasang constitutions. This survey was carried out using anthropometry, a questionnaire about eating habits, and 24-hour recall of dietary intake on 45 male and 29 female students of the fifth grade at C elementary school. The results are summarized as follows: A total of 44.6% of the subjects were Taeumin, 35.1% were Soyangin, and 20.3% were Soeumin. The average weight, WHR, Triceps, Rhrer index and BMI in the Taeumin group were significantly higher than those of the Soeumin and Soyangin groups. The body fat mass (kg) and abdominal fat (%) in the Taeumin group were significantly higher than those of the Soeumin and Soyangin groups. The soft body mass (%) in the Soeumin group was significantly higher than that of the Soeumi and Soyangin groups. The Taeumin’s energy expenditure in physical activities was little high than that of the Soyangin and Soeumin groups, but the Soyangin’s energy expenditure in physical activities per weight was a little higher than that of the Taeumin and Soeumin groups. The calorie and most of the nutrient intake were lower than those of Korean RDA. In the case of males, most nutrient intake, except for fiber, carotene and vitamin C were high in the Taeumin. For females, most nutrient intake, except for calcium and retinol were significantly higher in the Taeumin group. Conclusively, anthropometry characteristics, body composition, energy expenditure in physical activities, eating habits and dietary intake are different among the three Sasang constitutions. This study suggests the possibility of using Sasang consitutions as a basis for providing nutritional education and health guidelines.



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