Novel Reproductive Techniques in Swine Production - A Review

  • Okere, C. (Genex Swine Group Inc.) ;
  • Nelson, L. (Genex Swine Group Inc.)
  • 발행 : 2002.03.01


The main objective of modern reproductive technologies in pig reproduction is to increase reproductive efficiency and rates of genetic improvement. They also offer potential for greatly extending the multiplication and transport of genetic materials and the conservation of unique genetic resources in reasonably available forms for possible future use. The development and refinement of these technologies is concentrating on gamete and embryo collection, sorting and preservation, in vitro production of embryos, culturing, manipulation of embryos (splitting, nuclear transfer, production of chimeras, establishment embryo stem cells, and gene transfer) and embryo transfer. Also, the development of these novel technologies is facilitated by modern equipment for ultrasonography, microscopy, cryopreservation, endoscopy, and flow cytometry, microinjectiors, micromanipulators and centrifugation. The real impact on herd productivity will come from combining new reproductive techniques with powerful DNA technologies. The new reproductive techniques will allow a rapid turnover of generations, whereas the DNA technology can provide selection, which does not need phenotypic information when the selection decisions are made.



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