폴랴 과정 모델에 대한 단일 및 축차 종속 샘플링 계획법

Single and Sequential Dependent Sampling Plans for the Polya Process Model

  • 김원경 (경남대학교 벤처창업학부)
  • 발행 : 2002.12.31


In this paper, stochastically dependent single and sequential acceptance sampling plans are dealt when the process follows a Polya process model. A Monte-Cairo algorithm is used to find the acceptance and rejection probabilities of a lot. The number of defectives for the test to be accepted and rejected in a probability ratio sequential test can be found by using these probabilities. The formula to measure performance of these sampling plans is developed. Type I and II error probabilities are estimated by simulation. Dependent multiple acceptance sampling plans can be derived by extending the sequential sampling procedure. In numerical examples, single and sequential sampling plans of a Polya dependent process are examined and the characteristics are compared according to the change of the dependency factor.



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