Downregulation of bcl-xL Is Relevant to UV-induced Apoptosis in Fibroblasts

  • Nakagawa, Yuki (Department of Developmental Genetics (H2), Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University) ;
  • Okada, Seiji (Department of Developmental Genetics (H2), Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University) ;
  • Hatano, Masahiko (Department of Developmental Genetics (H2), Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University) ;
  • Ebara, Masaaki (Department of Medicine and Clinical Oncology (K1), Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University) ;
  • Saisho, Hiromitsu (Department of Medicine and Clinical Oncology (K1), Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University) ;
  • Tokuhisa, Takeshi (Department of Developmental Genetics (H2), Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University)
  • 발행 : 2002.09.30


Exposure to ultraviolet light (UV) induces apoptosis in mammalian cells, The caspase group of proteases is required for the appotosis. This pathway is initiated by a release of cytochrome c from the mitochondria into the cytosol. Several Bcl-2 family proteins can regulate the release of cytochrome c by stabilizing the mitochondrial membrane. Here we show that expression of the endogenous bcl-xL was strongly downregulated in NIH3T3 cells within 2 h after UV-C irradiation, and that of bax was upregulated from 8 h after irradiation. Apoptosis was induced in more than 50% of the NIH3T3 cells 48 h after irradiation. Constitutive overexpression of bcl-xL in NIH3T3 cells protected the UV-induced apoptosis by preventing the loss of mitochondrial membrane potential and the activation of caspase 9. There results suggest that downregulation of Bcl-xL is relevant to UV-induced apoptosis of tibroblasts.



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