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- Paxinos G. Paxinos;Watson Atlas
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- Lancet. v.1 Subcutaneous hormone implants for the contril of climacteric symtoms: a prospective study Brincat, M.;Magos, A.L.;Studd, J.W.W.
- Obstet Gynecol Surv. v.38 Cost-effectiveness of hormone replacement therapy in the menopause Weinstein, M.C.;Schiff, I.
- J Roy Coll Den Practioners v.31 Is Estrogen therapy effective in treatment of menopausal depression? Coppe, J.
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- Nature v.138 A syndrome produced by diverse nocious agents Selye, H.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci USA v.78 Primary structure of corticotropin-releasing factor from ovine hypothalamus Spiess, J.(et al.)
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- Front Neuroendocrinol. v.14 c-Fos and related immediate early gene products as markers of activity in neuroendocrine systems Hoffman, G.E.;Smith, M.S.;Verbalis, J.G.
- Endocr Rev. v.22 Stressor specificity of central neuroendocrine responses: implications for stress-related disorders Pacak, K.;Palkovits, M.
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- Endocrinology v.130 Fos-like immunoreactivity in the rat hyppothalamic-pituitary axis after immobilization stress Kononen, J.(et al.)
- Brain Res Bull. v.52 Induction and adaptation of Fos expression in the rat brain by two types of acute restraint stress Chowdhury, G.M.;Fujioka, T.;Nakamura, S.
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- Brain Res. v.616 Intracerebroventricular administration of corticotropin-releasing factor induces c-fos mRNA expression in brain regions related to stress responses: comparison with pattern of c-fos mRNA induction after stress Imaki, T.(et al.)
- Brain Res. v.892 The elevation of plasma adrenocorticotrophic hormone and expression of c-Fos in hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus by microinjection of neostigmine into the hippocampus in rats: comparison with acute stress responses Zhu, W.(et al.)
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- J Neurosci. v.14 A functional anatomical analysis of central pathways subserving the effects of interleukin-1 on stress-related neuroendocrine neurons Ericsson, A.;Kovacs, K.J.;Sawchenko, P.E.
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- J Pharmacol Exp Ther. v.277 Functional classification of antidepressants based on antagonism of swim stress-induced fos-like immunore activity Duncan, G.E.(et al.)
- J Clin Invest. v.87 Long-term antidepressant administration alters corticotropin-releasing hormone, tyrosine hydroxylase, and miner alocorticoid receptor gene expression in rat brain Brady, L.S.(et al.)
- Ann NY Acad Sci. v.877 The extended amygdala: are the central nucleus of the amygdala and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis differentially involved in fear versus anxiety? Davis, M.;Shi, C.
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- Brain Res. v.407 Plasma corticosterone responses to electrical stimulation of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis Dunn, J.D.
- J Neurosci. v.17 Role of the hippocampus, the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, and the amygdala in the excittory effect of corticotropin-releasing hormone on the acoustic startle relfex Lee, Y.;Davis, M.
- Neuroscience v.15 Modifications of adrenocortical responses following frontal cortex simulation in rats with hypothalamic deafferentations and medial fore brain bundle lesions Feldman, S.;Conforti, N.
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- Brain Res. v.643 The effect of medial frontal cortex lesions on cardiovascular conditioned emotional responses in the rat Frysztak, R.J.;Neafsey, E.J.
- J Neurosci. v.19 Lateralized effects of medial prefrontal cortex lesions on neuroendocrine and autonomic stress responses in rats Sullivan, R.M.;Gratton, A.
- J Neurosci. v.13 The role of the medial prefrontal cortex (cingulate gyrus) in the regulation of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal responses to stress Diorio, D.;Viau, V.;Meaney, M.J.
- Neuroscience v.64 Pattern and time course of immediate early gene expression in rat brain following acute stress Cullinan, W.E.(et al.)
- J Neurosci. v.17 Social stress in hamsters: defeat activates specific neurocircuits within the brain Kollack-Walker, S.;Watson, S.J.;Akil, H.
- Neuroscience v.64 Regional changes in c-fos expression in the basal forebrain and brainstem during adaptation to repeated stress: correlations with cardiovascular, hypothermic and endocrine responses Chen, X.;Herbert, J.
- J Neurosci v.14 Induction and habituation of immediate early gene expression in rat brain by acute and repeated restraint stress Melia, K.R.(et al.)
- Neuroscience v.94 Multiple immediate-early gene expression during physiological and endocrine adaptation to repeated stress Stamp, J.A.;Herbert, J.
- Eur J Neurosci. v.11 Neuroendocrine responses to an emotional stressor: evidence for involvement of the medial but not the central amygdala Dayas, C.V.;Buller, K.M.;Day, T.A.
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