nfluence of Gammakdaejo-Tang on brain Fos-liks immunoreacivity in response to immobilization stress in ovariectomized rats

난소를 절제한 흰쥐에서 감맥대조탕 투여가 구속스트레스에 의한 뇌 내 Fos-like immunoreactivity에 미치는 영향

Moon, Hyon-Ju;Lim, Eun-Mee;Shin, Kyung-Ho

  • Published : 20020000


Objective : During the Postmenopausal state, which is over one third of a women's life, the issue of quality of life is very important. Various kinds of Climacteric Syndrome are found to be problematic and psychoneurotic problems are the most common symptoms especially in Korean women. Postmenopausal depression is similar to Jangjo-jeung(臟燥症) and Gammakdaejo-Tang (GD) is used clinically as a model in Oriental medicine. Thus this experiment is made to elucidate whether GD has an action in relieving stress or anxiety in postmenopausal state. Method : Female Sprague-Dawley(230-260g) rats were used. Temperature was maintained at $20-25^{\circ}C.$ Water and food were not limited. The environment was manipulated to simulate 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night. Pentobarbital sodium(50mg/kg) was injected into the intrapentoneal to anesthetize, A 1 cm cut on the abdomen of the rat was made and the ovaries were removed. 12 days after the ovariectomy, the female rats were administered with GD (50 mg or 100 mg daily) in drinking water for 10 days. Rats were subjected to 2 hours of immobilization stress and were perfused 1 hour after immobilization stress. FLI was visualized by immunohistochemistry. We measured the Fos-like immunoreactivity (FLI) of female ovariectomized rats in response to immobilization stress in neural circuits related to stress response. Result : Immobilization stress induced a significant increase in FLI in all areas (paraventricular nucleus, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, medial prefrontal cortex, lateral septum, central nucleus of amygdala, basolateral nucleus of amygdala, medial nucleus of amygdala), that were significant, compared to control-unstressed animals, at the area of paraventricular nucleus, lateral septum, and medial nucleus of amygdala. Immobilization stress-induced increase of FLI was blocked significantly by pretreatment of GD 50 in LS, and GD100 in paraventricular nucleus, medial prefrontal cortex, lateral septum, and central nucleus of amygdala. No effect was observed in medial nucleus of amygdala. Conclusion : These results show that GD pretreatment decreases immobilization stress induced increase of FLI in brain areas related to stress in ovariectomized rats. Taken together, these results suggest that GD has an action in relieving anxiety and HPA axis activation in response to stress in the postmenopausal state.



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