중학생이 지각한 가족지지와 정신건강

Perceived Family Support and Mental Health of Middle school students

  • 서순림 (경북대학교 의과대학 간호학과) ;
  • 김정복 (경북 고령중학교)
  • Suh, Soon-Rim (Department of Nursing Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Kim, Jeong-Bok (School Health nurse, Kyungpook Goryung Middle School)
  • 발행 : 2002.12.01


This study was conducted to identify the relationship between the perceived family support and mental health of middle school students and provide basic data to develop a nursing program for prevention of mental disease and mental health promotion in adolescent. The subjects for this study were 427 students in their first, second and third year of two middle school in K city. The data were collected from December 12th to 19th, 2001. The instruments used for this study were the family support scale by Kang and the mental health assessment scale was the Symptom Check List-90-R. The data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson Correlation Coefficient, ANOVA, and Duncan test with SPSS program. The results were as follows: The mean score of the perceived family support was 42.26 and the mean score of mental health was 52.24. As a subarea of mental health was analyses, the scores of obsessive-compulsive reaction and hostility were respectively higher but the scores of phobia were lower than others. Family support was significantly different according to student's grade, religion and economic status, and educational level, the relationship between them, and living in parents. the characteristic influence on the level of mental health were sex, grade, and economic status of students and the relationship between them of parents. There was a significant correlation between the perceived family support and the level of mental health was revealed a significant correlation(r=-.35(P=0.001)). In conclusion, this study was found that family support was an important factor for promoting mental health of middle school students. In order to increase mental health of middle school students effectively, family support must be increased. Efforts to promote mental health of students are required in home and school. School authorities have to search a plans like "family support-class program" as one countermeasure to increase family support. teachers have to make educational programs to promote mental health constantly with participating parents.



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