격하축어탕(膈下逐瘀湯)이 자궁근종세포(子宮筋腫細胞)의 활성(增殖)과 MAP Kinase 활성(活性) 및 Cell Apoptosis에 미치는 영향

The work of Gyukhachukeotang on growth of ufterine myomal cells, MAP kinase activity, and Cell Apoptosis

  • 김소연 (경산대학교 한의과대학 부인과교실) ;
  • 백승희 (경산대학교 한의과대학 부인과교실) ;
  • 김동철 (경산대학교 부속한방병원 부인과)
  • 발행 : 2002.11.30


This work examines the effect of treatment with Gyukhachukeotang on the growth of uterine myomal cells. Comparisons of cell growth, MAP kinase activity and expression of bcl-2 (apoptosis-related gene) were made between the control and experimental samples. The results as fallows; 1. Any concentration of Gyukhachukeotang above 0.01% yielded growth inhibition. Concentrations of 5% and 10% stopped all cell growth, demonstrating the effectiveness of Gyukhachukeotang as a growth inhibitor on uterine myomal cells. 2. The MAP kinase activity in uterine myomal cells treated with Gyukhachukeotang was decreased to a high degree at the concentration of 10%, and some inhibition of activity was detected at a concentration of 5%. 3. The expression of bcl-2, a Cell Apoptosis-related gene, in uterine myoma cells treated with Gyukhachukeotang was gradually increased with increasing concentration of Gyukhachukeotang. These results indicate the ability of Gyukhachukeotang to control uterine myomal cell growth, with concurrent reduction of MAP kinase activity. Treatment with Gyukhachukeotang appears to trigger a normal apoptosis response, as indicated by increased bcl-2 expression. This observed increase in apoptosis indicates that Gyukhachukeotang is an appropriate prescription to treat uterine myomal cells.



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