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- 병리학 대한병리학회
- Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. v.222 no.3 Antioxidants, NFkappaB activation, and diabetogenesis Ho, E.;Bray, T.M.
- FASEB J. v.13 no.13 Supplementation of N-acetylcysteine inhibits NFkappaB activation and protects against Alloxan-induced diabetes in CD-1 mice Ho, E.;Chen, G.;Bray, T.M.
- 생명공학동향 v.6 no.2 노화과정에서 활성산소의 역할 한복기
- Pulm. Pharmacol. Ther. v.14 no.6 Reactive oxygen species as mediators in asthma Henricks, P.A.;Nikamp, F.P.
- 생명공학동향 v.6 no.2 노화억제를 위한 항산화제 연구 김종평;유익동
- J. R. Soc. Health v.122 no.1 Oxidative stress, micronutrients, diabetes mellitus and its complications Opara, E.C.
- 대두 유리 Pinitol이 당뇨쥐의 혈당과 항산화 효소계에 미치는 영향 김윤정
- 한국농화학회지 대황뿌리의 항산화 활성물질, Piceatannol 오성준;백남인;김해영
- 대한본초학회지 사군자탕에서 감초의 항산화제로서의 역할 김형환(외)
- J. of Medical Technology v.22 Miwa, I.;Toyoda, Y.;Okuda, J.
- 和漢藥심포지엄 v.14 木村正康;鈴木潤
- J. Lab. and Clin. Med. v.50 Van Handel, E.;Zilversmit, D.B.
- Lipids and Lipoproteins;Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry Ellesfson, R.D.;Caraway, W.T.;Tietz, N.W.(ed.)
- Journal of Medical Technology v.22 Mizuta, I.;Toyoda, Y.;Okuda, J.
- Clin. Chem. Acta. v.8 Daumas, B.T.;Watson, W.A.;Biggs, H.G.
- J. Bio. Chem. v.121 Studies on the presence of creatinine in human blood Miller, B.F.;Dubos, R.
- 臨床檢査 v.8 齊藤正行
- Clin. Chem. Acta. v.8 Chaney, A.L.;Marbach, E.P.
- Agric. Biol. Chem. v.45 A novel type of antioxidant isolated from leaf wax of Eucalyptus leaves Osawa, T.;Namiki, M.
- Analytical Biochem. v.95 Assay for lipid peroxides animal tissues by thiobarbituric acid reaction Ohkawa, H.;Ohishi, N.;Yagi, K.
- Chem. Pharm. Bull. v.36 Two new flavonoids and other consitituents in licorice root: their relative astringency and radical scavenging effects Hatano, T.;Kagawa, H.;Yasuhara, T.;Okuda, T.
- J. foo. Sci. v.40 Inhibition of N-nitrosoamine formation in model feed system Gray, J.I.;Dugan, J.L.R.
- Clin. Chim. Acta. v.79 Serum lipoperoxide levels in patients suppering from liver disease Suematsu, T.;Kamada, T.;Abe, H.;Kikuchi, S.;Yagi, K.
- In Methods of Enzymatic Analysis Aebi, H.;Bergmeyer, H.U.(eds.)
- Biochem. Biophys. v.82 Tissue sulfhydryl group, arch Ellman, G.L.
- J. Biol. Chem. v.249 Glutathione S-transferase; the first enzymatic steps in mercapturic acid formation Habig, W.H.;Pabst, M.J.;Jakoby, W.B.
- J. Biol. chem. v.193 Protein measurement with folin phenol regent Lowry, O.H.;Rosehrough, N.J.;Farr, A.L.;Randall, R.J.
- Protein Method Daniel M. Bollag;Stuart J. Edelstrein
- Biochem. Pharmacol. v.55 no.8 Cytokines and their roles in pancreatic islet bata-cell destruction and insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus Rabinovitch, A.;Suarez-Pinzon, W.L.
- Curr. Opin. Immunol. v.13 no.6 Effector lymphocytes in autommunity Santamaria, P.
- Diabetes v.48 no.9 Onset of type 1 diabetes: a dynamical instability Freiesleben De Blasio B.;Bak, P.;Pociot, F.;Karlsen, A.E.;Nerup, J.
- Biomed Pharmacother v.53 no.4 Oxidative stress induced in pathologies: the role of antioxidants Gate, L.;Paul, J.;Ba, G.N.;Tew, K.D.;Tapiero, H.
- Diabetes Metab. Res. Rev. v.18 no.3 Oxidative stress and diabetic neuropathy: pathophysiological mechanisms and treatment perspectives Sytze Van Dam P.
- Bratisl. Lek. Listy. v.101 no.10 The role of free radicals, oxidative stress and antioxidant systems in diabetic vascular disease Jakus, V.
- Exp. Mol. Med. v.33 no.2 The protective effect of Amomum xanthoides extract against Alloxan-induced diabetes through the suppression of NFkappaB activation Park, B.H.;Park, J.W.
- J. Ethnopharmacol. v.83 no.1~2 Anti-diabetic activaty of green tea polyphenols and their role in reducing oxidative stress in experimental diabetes M.C.S.;K.S.;Kuttan, R.
- 현대중약약리학 왕본양
- 한약약리학 김호철
- J. Nutr. v.128 no.10 Soy protein, isoflavones and cardiovascular disease risk Lichtenstein, A.H.
- 症狀別臨床檢査 醫學敎育硏究院
- HANDY 臨床檢査法 理工産業編輯部
- 최신임상검사진단학 김순호;손한철;이은엽;장철훈
- N. Eng. J. Med. v.320 Modification of low-density-lipoprotein that increase its atherogenicity Steinberg D. Parhtasarathys;Carew, T.E.;Khoo, J.C.;Witztum, J.L.
- 大韓韓醫學會誌 v.17 no.2 흰쥐의 肝組織에서 鹿茸藥鍼製劑의 抗酸化作用에 관한 硏究 尹哲浩(外)
- 高麗人蔘, 高麗紅蔘 및 total saponin의 抗酸化 作用 裵基采
- 東國論文集自然科學編 v.15 柴胡가 free radical에 의한 脂質過酸化物 生成에 미치는 效果 文振榮(外)
- J. Biol. chem. v.193 Protein measurement with folin phenol regent Lowry, O.H.;Rosehrough, N.J.;Farr, A.L.;Randall, N.J.
- 프리라디칼 金永坤;金永杓
- J.P harm. pharmacol. v.41 Mechanistic toxicology;A radical perspective David, R.
- FASEB. J. v.1 Oxidants and human disease: Some new concepts Barry, H.
- Antioxidant defence system and oxidative stress;Membrane Lipid Oxidation v.II Ross, D.;Moldeus, P.;Vigo-Pelfrey, C.(ed.)
- ADV. Enzymol. v.32 The role of glutathione and glutathione S-transferase in mercapturic acid biosynthesis Boyland, E.;Chasseud, L.F.
- Pharmacol. Ther. v.37 no.2 Glutathione, free radicals and chemotherapeutic agents: mechanism of free radical induced toxicity and glutathione dependent protection Ross, D.
- Adv. Enzymol. v.69 Glutathione S-transferases: Structure and mechanism of an archetypical detoxification enzyme Armstrong, R.N.
- Glutathione-s-transferase and drug resistance Hayes, J.D.;T.J. Mantle;C.B. Pickett