폐광산 인근 논토양과 수도의 비소함량 조사

Concentration of Arsenic in Rice Plants and Paddy Soils in the Vicinity of Abandoned Zinc Mine

  • 김찬용 (경상북도농업기술원 시험연구국) ;
  • 박만 (경북대학교 농화학과) ;
  • 이동훈 (경북대학교 농화학과) ;
  • 최충렬 (경북대학교 농화학과) ;
  • 김광섭 (경북대학교 농화학과) ;
  • 최정 (경북대학교 농화학과) ;
  • 서영진 (경상북도농업기술원 시험연구국)
  • Kim, Chan-Yong (KyoungBuk Agriculture Technology Administration) ;
  • Park, Man (Dept. of Agricultural Chemistry, KyungBuk National University) ;
  • Lee, Dong-Hoon (Dept. of Agricultural Chemistry, KyungBuk National University) ;
  • Choi, Choong-Lyeal (Dept. of Agricultural Chemistry, KyungBuk National University) ;
  • Kim, Kwang-Seop (Dept. of Agricultural Chemistry, KyungBuk National University) ;
  • Choi, Jung (Dept. of Agricultural Chemistry, KyungBuk National University) ;
  • Seo, Young-Jin (KyoungBuk Agriculture Technology Administration)
  • 발행 : 2002.08.31


토양중 비소함량이 식물체내 이동에 미치는 영향을 조사하기 위하여 아연 폐광산 근처 논토양과 벼에 함유된 비소함량을 조사하였다. 논토양 중 비소는 total As의 약 52.9%, extractable As의 74%정도가 iron oxide phase에 bound된 비소(Fe-As)였으며 수용성 비소(Ws-As)는 대부분 검출한계 이하였다. 비소의 연속추출 결과, extractable As fraction중 Fe-As가 1 N-HCI 가용성 As와 가장 높은 상관을 나타내었고, 이것은 토양중 Fe-As 의 함량이 많기 때문으로 생각된다. 식물체 부위별 비소의 농도는 뿌리>잎 줄기>곡실순이었으며 곡실 중에 함유된 비소농도는 FDA 식품기준 1.08mg/kg 이하였다. 토양중 As fraction과 식물체 부위별 As함량간의 상관관계를 분석한 결과 Al-As fraction이 뿌리와 0.821, 줄기 0.888, 잎 0.777로 비교적 높은 상관계수를 나타내었고, 작물에 가장 잘 이용될 수 있는 비소의 형태는 Al-As fraction인 것으로 판단된다.

Soils near abandoned zinc mines were known to be contaminated with arsenic-rich mining by-products. To examine the potential impacts of arsenic- contaminated soils on plant growth, surface soils were subjected to sequential extraction. Results revealed that 54% and 74% total As and 74% total extractable As were bound to iron hydrous oxide, and water soluble fraction was below detection limit. Arsenic faction extracted using the Koran standard method(dissolution of metals via treatment of 1 N HCI) was strongly correlated with the Fe-bound As fraction ($r^2=0.884**$). Arsenic level in rice plant roots was the highest with a maximum value of 154.9 mg/kg, whereas it was below 0.6 mg/kg in grains. Arsenic level in rice plant roots was strongly correlated with those of Al-bound As ($r^2=0.821**$) and 1N HCI-extractable As levels ($r^2=0.801**$).



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