Prenconcentration and Determination of Mercury (II) and Methylmercury in Waters by Immobilized 1,5-Diphenylcarbazone and Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrometry


1,5-diphenylcarbazone was immobilized on sodium dodecyl sulfate coated alumina. The alumina particle was effectively used for collection of mercury(II) and methylmercury cations at sub-ppb level. The adsorbed mercury was eluted with l mol $L^{-1}$ of hydrobromic acid solution. The mercury(II) was then directly measured by cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry utilizing tin (II) chloride where as the total mercury was determined after the oxidation of methylmercury into the inorganic mercury. The methylmercury concentration was calculated by the difference between the value of total mercury and mercury (II). Mercury (II) and methylmercury cations were completely recovered from water with a preconcentration factor of 100 (for 1 L solution.) Relative standard deviation at Hg L ${\mu}gL^{-1}$ level 1.7%(n=8) and the limit of detection was 0.11 ${\mu}gL^{-1}$. The procedure was applied to spring water, well water and seawater and accuracy was assessed through recovery experiments.



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