Korean Security Journal (시큐리티연구)
- Issue 4
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- Pages.343-363
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- 2001
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- 2671-4299(pISSN)
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- 2714-0644(eISSN)
A Study on the Problems and Improvement Plan of the Korean Disaster Adminstration System
한국의 재난관리체제의 문제점 및 개선방안에 관한 연구
Chapter 1 is the introduction part. With the development of modem science and technology, the world has experienced serious disaster. Each occurrence of such disaster has reminded the people all over the world of the importance of coping with the disaster and therefore all the countries have set up the disaster administration system to handle their disasters in efficient way. The principal purpose of this research is to establish ways and means needed to improve the disaster management system in Korea. Chapter 2 introduces the reader to a disaster management theory Chapter 3 dealt with the problems on the disaster administration system, under which the first and second section mention the points at issue in the system of law and administration of our country, respectively, Chapter 4 dealt with the plan to improve the disaster adminstration system under which the first section describes its basic direction while the second section describes the clarification of the role share of the central government and local autonomous body, beefing up the functions of disaster administration of the central government and local autonomous body. establishment of disaster prevention system, activation of support program against disaster, raising the professional personnels, extending the disaster prevention facilities, etc. Chapter 5, the conclusion, describes the difficulties in coping with the disaster under the existing disaster administration system. Therefore, the entire fundamental of disaster administration is in need such as distinct roles of the central government and local autonomous body, improving the systems of law and administration, education and training, and guidance and superintendence, etc. In addition, the control function of the concerned authorities must be reinforced to perform the disaster administration system smoothly while establishing 24 hour emergency system. Also, the financial support from the central government and technical study on the disaster administration should be done continuously on long-term basis.