기본간호학회지 (Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing)
- 제8권2호
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- Pages.132-146
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- 2001
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- 1225-9012(pISSN)
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- 2287-1802(eISSN)
기본간호학 연구동향 - 기본간호학회지 논문분석을 기반으로 -
The Research Trends in Fundamental Nursing - Based on the Analysis of Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamental Nursing -
(부산대학교 간호학과) ;
- 강규숙 (연세대학교 간호대학) ;
(중앙대학교 간호학과) ;
(서울대학교 간호대학) ;
- 김원옥 (경희대학교 간호학과) ;
- 변영순 (이화여자대학교 간호대학) ;
- 송경애 (가톨릭대학교 간호대학) ;
- 손영희 (국립의료원 간호과) ;
- 양선희 (적십자간호대학 간호과) ;
(가천길대학 간호과)
Jeong Ihn-Sook
(Department of Nursing, Pusan National University) ;
- Kang Kyu-Sook (College of Nursing, Yonsei University) ;
Kim Kyung-Hee
(Department of Nursing, Jung Ang University) ;
Kim Keum-Soon
(College of Nursing, Seoul National University) ;
- Kim Won-Ock (Kyung Hee College of Nursing) ;
- Byun Young-Soon (College of Nursing Science, Ewha Woman's University) ;
- Sohng Kyeong-Yae (College of Nursing, Catholic University) ;
- Son Yeong-Hee (National Medical Center College of Nursing) ;
- Yang Sun-Hee (Red Cross College of Nursing) ;
Jo Hyun-Sook
(Department of Nursing, Gachon Gil College)
- 발행 : 2001.08.31
Purpose: This study was to analyze the trends and content of all the research (171 research papers) published in the Journal of Fundamentals of Nursing from 1994, when it began to 2000 using an objective tool developed by the researches, and to identify the direction for the future research in Fundamentals of Nursing. Method: Research published in the Journal of Fundamentals of Nursing from 1994 were reviewed. Result: Most of research (94.2%) was non-degree based and funded research was very limited. The average number of researchers per research study was 2.2 and collaborative research has been gradually increasing. The total number of key words was 331 and the average was 2.6 per research. The major key words were not different from other nursing departments and included home care nursing (10 times), health promotion (8 times), self-care (7 times). self-efficacy (7 times), and homo-dialysis (6 times). Eighty seven percent of the research was quantitative research. and there were very few qualitative studies. Considering theory level, it was found that 40% were factor related research For study design, non-experimental studies were most frequent (66%), and the rate, especially of surveys, has remarkably decreased. Selection of subjects by convenience sampling, was most frequent and there were very few studies that provided the rationale for the calculation of sample size. The major subjects of study were patients (44.8%) with various diagnoses. The subjects usually gave oral consent to take part in that study. Giving information (46.9%) and exercise (26.5%) were common nursing interventions, and physiological indices (16.5%). vital signs (10.3%), physical functioning (8.2%), level of knowledge/skill (7.2%) and level of activity (6.2%) were frequently measured as outcome. Variables questionnaires were the major approach used to collect data, and 57.8% of the research provided the Cronbach alpha to guarantee internal consistency of study instruments. Data were analyzed with computerized statistical packages using, ANOVA (42.0%), T test(39.5%), and chi-square test. For the last seven years, nursing research in Fundamentals of Nursing has gradually improved in both quantify and quality. Conclusion: It was difficult to find any uniqueness or difference compared to other departments of nursing. In fact, because the history of the Journal of Fundamentals of Nursing is rather short, we can expect that there will be further improvement in qualify and content in the future.