현대복식(現代服飾)에 나타난 비대칭(非對稱) 디자인 연구(硏究)

A Study on Asymmetry Design Represented in Modern Fashion

  • 최경희 (호남대학교 의상디자인학과)
  • 발행 : 2001.09.30


The purpose of this study is to pigeonhole theoretical notions of asymmetry and historical flow of asymmetry designed dresses, understand the trend of asymmetry design in modern fashion and find out its plastic character. The result of this study is as follows. The asymmetry is un-harmony artistic structure that unbalanced left and right in designing. The asymmetry fashion were seen that drapery dress of Egypt, Greece, Rome in ancient times and design by strong color contrast in heraldry and hose, accessory in the middle ages. In modern times, it was seen as complicated and mixed appearance by the influence of post-modernism. The asymmetry designs in modern fashion are shown varied styles by asymmetry of silhouette, detail, fabric, wearing method. The characters of these are a sense of de-construction, formative sense, and exaggeration The asymmetry design must be made by cutting, sewing, and high degree of technique through the latest skill and study.
