장비능력에 의존적인 처리시간을 가진 애로공정의 일정계획 수립(몰드변압기 공장을 중심으로)

Scheduling of the Bottleneck Operation with Capacity-Dependent Processing Time

  • 서준용 (울산대학교 산업정보경영공학부) ;
  • 고재문 (울산대학교 산업정보경영공학부)
  • 발행 : 2001.12.31


In this paper, a scheme of scheduling a bottleneck operation is presented for production planning of make-to-order. We focus on the problem of capacity-dependent processing time in which processing time of the bottleneck operation is not fixed, but varies with job sequence or equipment capacity. For this, a genetic algorithm is applied for job sequencing with an objective function of mean square of weighted deviation. An experimental study is implemented in power transformer plant and results are compared with those of the EDD rule. It shows that the genetic algorithm is relatively good for most cases.
