A Model for Determining Time Windows for Vehicles of Suppliers in a Supply Chain

공급사슬환경하에서 차량의 도착시각 시간창 결정을 위한 모델

  • 김기영 (동서대학교 국제관계학부 국제물류) ;
  • 김갑환 (부산대학교 산업공학과)
  • Published : 2001.12.31


It is discussed how to determine time windows for pickups and deliveries, which have been assumed to be given in all most of previous studies on traveling salesman problems with time window, vehicle routing problems with time window, vehicle scheduling and dispatching problems, and so on. First, time windows are classified into four models (DR, DA, AR, and AA) by customers‘ polices. For each model, it is shown how a time window is related to various cost terms of suppliers and customers. Under the assumption of collaborative supplier-customer relationship, an integrated cost model for both supplier and customer is constructed for determining boundaries of time windows. The cost models in this paper consists of cost terms that depend on waiting time, early arrival time, late arrival time, and rejection of receipt. A numerical example is provided and results of the sensitivity analysis for some parameters are also provided to help intuitive understanding about the characteristics of the suggested models.



Supported by : 한국학술진흥재단