간호행정학회지 (Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration)
- 제7권1호
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- Pages.97-110
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- 2001
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- 1225-9330(pISSN)
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- 2288-4955(eISSN)
간호사 이미지에 관한 연구
A Study on Image of the Nurse
- Kim, Hyung-Ja (Presbyterian Medical Center) ;
- Kim, Hyeon-Ok (Department of Nursing, Chonbuk National University)
- 발행 : 2001.02.28
An image exists in the thought of every subjective person and it exercises its influence over everything, having a great power in the real world. An positive image of the nurse has an influence on her faith, value and confidence, therefore increasing her job satisfaction, helping to upgrade her level of profession of nursing through qualitative nursing service as a result, considering the necessity of such an image when it comes to improvement of the profession, the confirmation of the image is indispensable to its evaluation of a speciality in nursing. This study is intended to help that improvement of the nursing profession in the present so that the total effort in every field of nursing is made and to offer basic material for developing a strategy to improve the image of nurses. This study is designed to investigate such an image descriptively. The subjects include 105 nurses, 60 doctors, 68 office workers, 88 medical engineers, 127 patients and there protectors with a total of 448 adapted with accidental sampling, who work at Y and W general hospital in Chonju. The measuring instrument consists of 40 question, with the researcher amended and made from on of Inja Song(1993), Donsoon Lee(1995), Ilsim yang(1998), and its Cronbach's alpha coefficient is .95. Data were collected from March 1 2000 to March 20, 2000 using self-reported questionnairs, analyzed with SPSS WIN 7.5 after encoding. The results are as follows: 1. Most of the subjects thinks the nursing as a hard, stressful, always busy job(more than 75%), and consider nurses as good-looking, supportive and responsible to co-workers to above average degree(