- Volume 1 Issue 2
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- Pages.126-134
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- 2001
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- 1598-2629(pISSN)
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- 2092-6685(eISSN)
Characteristics of B cell proliferation by polysaccharide fraction of Paeonia japonica miyabe
백작약 조다당분획에 의한 B 세포 증식의 특성
Park, Hae-Ran
(Radiation Food Technology and Bioscience Team, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) ;
- Ham, Yeon-Ho (Radiation Food Technology and Bioscience Team, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) ;
- Yee, Sung-Tae (Department of Biology, Sunchon National University) ;
Paik, Sang-Gi
(Department of Biology, Chungnam National University) ;
Jo, Sung-Kee
(Radiation Food Technology and Bioscience Team, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
(한국원자력연구소 방사선 식품생명공학기술개발과제팀) ;
- 함연호 (한국원자력연구소 방사선 식품생명공학기술개발과제팀) ;
- 이성태 (순천대학교 생물학과) ;
(충남대학교 생물학과) ;
(한국원자력연구소 방사선 식품생명공학기술개발과제팀)
- Published : 2001.08.31
Background : Paeonia japonica Miyabe is a medicinal plant which has been widely used as a component of blood-building decoctions (Chinese medicinal concept : Bu-Xie). The immunopharmacological characteristics of the extract of Paeonia japonica (PJ) were investigated. Methods : The effects of fractions of PJ extract on lymphocyte proliferation were measured by