Journal of Haehwa Medicine (혜화의학회지)
- Volume 9 Issue 2
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- Pages.293-313
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- 2001
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- 2586-3002(pISSN)
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- 2586-3347(eISSN)
The oriental-western literatural study of Amnesia
건망증(健忘症)에 대(對)한 동서의학적(東西醫學的) 고찰(考察)
- Yoon, Sang-hak (Dept. of Oriental Medicine Neurosychiatric Medicine College of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon University) ;
Lee, Sang-ryong
(Dept. of Oriental Medicine Neurosychiatric Medicine College of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon University)
- Published : 2001.02.26
The oriental-western Literatural study of Amnesia, the results were as follows. 1. esia is caused by qi-depression resulted from excessive thought and deficiency of the kidney resulted from congenital deficiency and deficiency of the heart, the disharmony between the heart and the kidney, phlegm, stagnant blood, loss of the blood etc. resulted from deficiency of the heart blood. 2. The treatment method of Amnesia is as follows, the highest frequence was growing blood-tranquilization-regulating spleen, in descending order removing phlegm-stagnant blood-relaxing the mind and invigorate the heart-spleen-kidney and much tonification qi-blood and growing nutrient qi-manifesting source qi and regulating the harmony between the heart and the kidney and maintaining patency for the flow of gi were the most treatment method. 3. The treatment medicine of Amnesia is as follows, the highest frequence was Kuei Bi Tang(歸脾湯) in decending order Jeng Ji Whan(定志丸), Su Seng Whan(壽星丸), Chun Whang Boo Sim Dan(天王補心丹), Ju Jak Whan(朱雀丸), Doo Dam Tang(導痰湯), Yin Sin Kuei Sa Dan(引神歸舍丹), Ga Gam Go Bon Dan(加減固本丸), Ryung Ji Go(寧志膏), Jang Won Dan(壯元丹), Tong Ol Tang(通鬱湯). 4. In oriental medicine functional physiology and pathology was significant in differential diagnosis and treatment and in western medicine it was explained organically and psychologically. 5. In western medicine As one of memory disorder Amnesia is divided into psychogenic amnesia and organic amnesia, and organic amnesia is divided into anterograde amnesia and retrograde amnesia and psychogenic amnesia is divided into localized amnesia, generalized amnesia selective amnesia.