혜화의학회지 (Journal of Haehwa Medicine)
- 제9권2호
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- Pages.251-268
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- 2001
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- 2586-3002(pISSN)
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- 2586-3347(eISSN)
크론씨병(극한성(局限性) 장염(腸炎))에 관(關)한 한의학적(韓醫學的) 고찰(考察)
The oriental-western literal study of Crohn's disease
- Choi, Chang-Woo (Dept. of Oriental Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon University) ;
Son, Chang-Gyu
(Dept. of Oriental Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon University) ;
Cho, Chong-kwan
(Dept. of Oriental Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon University)
- 발행 : 2001.02.26
We arrived at the following conclusion after we have studied crohn's disease through the literatures of western and oriental medicine. 1. Crohn's disease has a characteristic of granulomatous necrosis and cicatricial inflammation which is called by segmental enteritis, granulomatous enteritis. This falls under the category of "Diarrhea", "Dysentery" and is similar to "small intestinal diarrhea", "acute temesmus", "splenic diarrhea" in oriental medicine. 2. In western medicine, the cause of crohn's disease indefinites, but it is presumed immunological unbalance of alimentary canal. In oriental medicine, it is summarized as the abnormal ascending and descending circulation of stomach and splenic energies, the hepatic stagnation, being the lower part of cleaning qi by exogenous disease, dyspeptic convulsion. 3. The presenting symptoms of crohn's disease are intermittent chronic diarrhea, fever, weight loss, abdominal spastic pain or abdominal discomfort. When anyone has a abdominal mass, a rectal abcess, and a rectal constriction by physical examination, we can doubt crohn's disease. 4. The methods of western medical treatment are a suppression of intestinal toxic contents and inflammatory mediator, a supply of nutritive substanceus to intestinal epithelial cell. Oriental medical treatments of these are "inducing diuresis", "warming kidney to reinforce yang", "nourishing qi to invigorate spleen", "eliminatin dampness by cooling" according to syndrome differentiations. As mentioned above, we can confirm possibility of oriental medical treatment that induces recovery of immunologic control function and we need advanced experiment, study, and clinical approach.