혜화의학회지 (Journal of Haehwa Medicine)
- 제9권2호
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- Pages.97-109
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- 2001
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- 2586-3002(pISSN)
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- 2586-3347(eISSN)
활혈대보탕(活血大補湯)의 항암활성(抗癌活性) 및 항전이(抗轉移) 효과(效果)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
Study on Antitumor Activity of Hwalheuldaibotang(HDBT)
- Bae, Moon-yong (Dept. of Oriental Medicine Pathology College of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon University) ;
Kim, Dong-hee
(Dept. of Oriental Medicine Pathology College of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon University)
- 발행 : 2001.02.26
To evaluate the antitumor activity and antimetastatic effects of HDBT, studies were done experimentally. The results were obtained as follows: 1. HDBT extracts didn't show cytotoxicity against BALB/C mouse lung fibroblast cell. 2. In cytotoxicity against A549, SK-OV-3, B16-BL6 and HT1080 concen- tration inhibiting cell growth up to below 30% of control was recognized at