Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment (환경영향평가)
- Volume 10 Issue 2
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- Pages.123-133
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- 2001
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- 1225-7184(pISSN)
A Study on the Predictability of the Air Pollution Dispersion Model Composed of the Turbulent Parameters
난류특성을 이용한 대기오염확산모델의 예측능에 관한 연구
- Park, Ki-Hark (Dept. of Atmospheric Science, College of Natural Sciences, Seoul National University) ;
Yoon, Soon-Chang
(Dept. of Atmospheric Science, College of Natural Sciences, Seoul National University)
- Published : 2001.06.30
Gaussian dispersion model is the most widely used tool for the ground level air pollution simulation. Though in spite of the convenience there are important problems on the Pasquill- Gifford' stability classification scheme which was used to define the turbulent state of the atmosphere or to describe the dispersion capabilities of the atmosphere which was each covers a broad range of stability conditions, and that they were very site specific, and the vertical dispersion calculation formula on the case of the unstable atmospheric condition. This paper was carried out to revise the Gaussian dispension model for the purposed of increase the modeling performance and propose the revised model, which was composed of the turbulent characteristics in the unstable atmospheric conditions. The proposed models in this study were composed of the profile method, Monin-Obukhove length, the probability density function model and the lateral dispersion function which was composed of the turbulent parameters,
- Pasquill-Gifford' stability categories;
- Monin-Obukhove length scale;
- dispersion coefficient;
- probability density function