Water Environment and Freshwater Algae in the Upstream of the Tamjin River Dam

탐진강댐 상류하천에서 수환경과 담수조류

  • Shin, Jae-Ki (School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Inje University) ;
  • Cho, Kyung-Je (School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Inje University)
  • 신재기 (인제대학교 환경시스템학부) ;
  • 조경제 (인제대학교 환경시스템학부)
  • Published : 2001.06.30


Water environment and freshwater algae were studied in the upstream of the Tamjin River Dam. Among the environmental factors, DO concentration in the Tamjin River ranged from 9.0 mg $O_2/l$ to 9.2 mg $O_2/l$, pH from 7.0 to 7.1 and conductivity from $98{\mu}S/cm$ to $100{\mu}S/cm$. Average concentration of $NH_4$ and $NO_3$ ranged from $40{\mu}g\;N/l$ to $56{\mu}g\;N/l$ and from $489{\mu}g\;N/l$ to $611{\mu}g\;N/l$, respectively. $NO_3$ was more plentiful above 9~15 fold than that of $NH_4$. Average concentrations of soluble reactive phosphorus and soluble reactive silicon were $2{\mu}g\;P/l$ and 1.6 mg Si/l, respectively. Particulaly, Si nutrient increased by heavy rain events during summer season. The ratios of N/P and Si/P ranged from 248 to 261 and from 640 to 740, respectively. It is assumed that P would be limiting nutrient on the freshwater algal growth. Average content of planktonic chlorophyll-a ranged from $5{\mu}g/l$ to $13{\mu}g/l$. Mean contents of chlorophyll-a, phaeo-pigment and ash-free dry matter of periphyton were $50.3mg/m^2$, $11.9mg/m^2$, $11.5g/m^2$ in the main stream and $30.1mg/m^2$, $5.6mg/m^2$, $7.8g/m^2$ in the tributary. By comparison of the epilithon biomass, the main stream was higher with 1.5~2.1 fold than the tributary. The impotant algae were composed of diatom Achnanthes linearis, A. minutissima, Fragilaria crotonensis, Gomphonema gracile, Tabellaria flocculosa and blue-green algae Microcystis aeruginosa. In the relative abundance of the phytoplankton and epilithon, the serial dominance were diatom > green algae > blue-green algae, and diatoms were very abundant in comparison with other algal phylum.

탐진강댐 상류 하천의 본류와 지류에서 부유조류 및 부착조류를 중심으로 조사하였다. DO는 9.0~9.2 mg $O_2/l$ 범위였고, pH와 전기전도도는 각각 7.0~7.1, $98{\sim}100{\mu}S/cm$ 범위였다. 수중 무기영양염 중 $NH_4$$NO_3$는 평균값이 각각 $40{\sim}56{\mu}g\;N/l$, $489{\sim}611{\mu}g\;N/l$ 범위로서 $NO_3$$NH_4$보다 9~15배 더 풍부하였다. SRP와 SRSi의 평균농도는 각각 $2{\mu}g\;P/l$, 1.6 mg Si/l로서 특히 Si는 강우가 집중된 하계에 다소 많았다. N/P 및 Si/P의 비는 각각 248~261, 640~740 범위로서 담수조류의 생장에 P가 제한영양염으로 추정되었다. 부유조류의 chl-a는 평균값이 $5{\sim}13{\mu}g/l$ 범위였다. 부착조류의 chl-a, 불활성색소 및 유기물 함량의 평균값은 본류에서 각각 $50.3mg/m^2$, $11.9mg/m^2$$11.5g/m^2$이었고, 지류에서 각각 $30.1mg/m^2$, $5.6mg/m^2$$7.8g/m^2$로서 본류가 지류보다 1.5~2.1배 높았다. 담수조류의 개체밀도로 본 주요 종조성은 규조류 Achnanthes linearis, A. minutissima, Fragilaria crotonensis, Gomphonema gracile 및 Tabellaria flocculosa였고 남조류는 Microcystis aeruginosa가 해당하였다. 분류군별 비율에서 식물 플랑크톤과 부착조류는 규조류>녹조류>남조류의 순이었고 다른 분류군에 비해 규조류가 월등히 많았다.
