A Determinant Model for Methods to Calculate the Weighted Value of Each Indicator for Environmental Evaluation

환경평가를 위한 지표의 가중치 산정방법 결정 모형

  • Lee, Gwan-Gue (Environmental Planning Institute, Grad. School of Environmental Studies, Seoul Nat'l. Univ.) ;
  • Yang, Byoung-E (Grad. School of Environmental Studies, Seoul Nat'l. Univ.)
  • 이관규 (서울대학교 환경계획연구소) ;
  • 양병이 (서울대학교 환경대학원)
  • Published : 2001.03.31


This study aims to propose a determinant model to select a method on calculating weight of each indicator for environmental evaluation. According to analyzing and comparing with three types of methods for calculating weights which are usually used to evaluate environment with indicators, the weights which were obtained by each type were all different from each other. This means that a differential weighting method must be applied to each of environmental evaluation studies. Therefore, a determinant model is required to determine weight-calculating methods. Three types of weighting methods, such as weighting by importance degree, weighting by eigen-value and weighting by analytic hierarchy process, were compared. Under the necessity, a determinant model was drawn for selecting a compatible method to calculate weights of indicators in environmental evaluation.
