Growth Promoters and Their Effects on Beef Production - Review -

  • Song, M.K. (Department of Animal Science, Chungbuk National University) ;
  • Choi, S.H. (Department of Animal Science, Chungbuk National University)
  • Published : 2001.01.01


Application of growth promoters by means of implantation or supplementation to the diets has been routine in the beef cattle industry of many countries for the better performance in growth and improvement of feed efficiency. Anabolic implants (zeranol, trenbolone acetate, and estradiol with testosterone or progesterone) have generated various positive effects. Zeranol implantation, in general, improved average daily gain (ADG), feed conversion (FC), dressing percentage (DP) and yield grade (YG) of cattle, and increased dry matter intake (DMI). Trenbolone acetate with or without estradiol also increased mean values of ADG and loin eye area (LEA) but reduced DMI and improved FC of cattle. Estradiol with testosterone or progesterone increased ADG and DMI. Anabolic implants, however, had minimal or negative effects on marbling or quality grade. The magnitude of the response to these anabolic implants in performance of beef cattle has varied depending on the type of implants, amount and duration of exposure, age of animals and combination of implants. Administration of bovine somatotropin improved ADG and FC, and decreased fat deposition. Ionophores improved FC in cattle from reduced DMI without great response to ADG. Supplementation of monensin and lasalocid reduced molar proportion of propionate. Monensin and lysocellin increased apparent absorption and retention of some minerals in cattle. Despite the improved cattle performance in growth and FC, results in beef quality from the application of the growth promoters appeared to vary or in conflict under a variety of environmental conditions.


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