A study of continuous stem girder systems

  • Kim, Boksun (Scott Sutherland School of Architecture, Robert Gordon University) ;
  • Wright, Howard D. (Department of Civil Engineering, University of Strathclyde) ;
  • Cairns, Roy (Department of Civil Engineering, University of Strathclyde)
  • 발행 : 2001.05.25


A new beam system comprising two cantilever stems and an interspan composite beam has been developed and its design philosophy is described in this paper. The system provides the equivalent of a semi-continuous beam without the requirement to calculate the moment rotation capacity of the beam-to-column connection. The economy of braced frames using the system has been investigated and compared with simple, continuous or semi-rigid systems. It is shown that the costs of the proposed system are similar to the semi-rigid system and cheaper than both the simply supported and rigid beam systems. Two tests have been carried out on 6 meter span beams, which also incorporated an asymmetric flange steel section. The behaviour of the system is presented and the test results are compared with those obtained from the theory.



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