자기주도형 인적자원개발 도구로서의 사이버 교육 프로그램의 효과 평가에 관한 연구;POSCO 안전관리 사이버 과정을 중심으로

A Study on the Evaluation of Web-based Cyber Education Program as a Tool for Self Directed Human Resources Development

  • 이성 (POSCO 인재개발원)
  • 발행 : 2001.12.31


The purpose of this study was to analysis the education effects of web-based on-line cyber program mesaured by Kirkpatrick’s evaluation process. The average score on satisfaction of the program was 4.28(.59), which was designed to evaluate the level 1, reaction. To test level 2, learning, the average score that students achieved was calculated and it was 86.87(std.=7.05) in the term examinations. The level 3, job months. It was reported that most employees who took the course are utilizing the knowledge that they acquired from the course(mean=3.80, std.=.77). To identify the level 4, business results, the mean score of the number of accidents and near misses that happened in their factories for 3 months before and after the course were compared. There was statistically significant difference between the number of accidents that happened 3 months before the course and 3 months after the course, at the significance level of .01, which was tested by Paired t-test.
