요인분석을 이용한 벼 도복 특성 분석

Characterization of Rice lodging by Factor analysis

  • Seo, Young-Jin (Kyungbuk Agricultural Technology Administration) ;
  • Huh, Min-Soon (Kyungbuk Agricultural Technology Administration) ;
  • Kim, Chang-Bae (Kyungbuk Agricultural Technology Administration) ;
  • Lee, Dong-Hoon (Dep. of Agricultural Chemistry, Kyungbuk National University) ;
  • Choi, Jung (Dep. of Agricultural Chemistry, Kyungbuk National University) ;
  • Kim, Chan-Yong (Kyungbuk Agricultural Technology Administration)
  • 발행 : 2001.06.30


This study was conducted to investigate a potential utilitization of multivariate statistical analysis(Factor analysis, Discrimination analysis) on interpretation of rice plant lodging reason. Rice plants were sampled in paddy around Taegu city at from 25 to 29 of September in 2000. Mineral nutrient content(phosphate, potassium) of rice plant were significantly higher at 99% level, Silicate content were lower at 95% level in lodged samples than in normal. Plant characteristics associate with lodging(Culm length, second and third internode length, bight of center gravity) were significantly longer in lodged rice plant than in non lodged. Result of Factor analysis were that first principle component were culm length, second(N2) and third internode length(N3), second principle component were Ca content, first internode length(N1) and N3/culm length, third principle component were center gravity length(G) and G/culm length, fourth were nitrogen, phosphate, and potassium content, fifth were N2/culm length, N2+N3/culm length, Sixth was silicate content of rice plant. Linear discriminant equation distinguished lodged rice plants with non lodged rice plants very well. Prediction value was 100%, most explainable variable were phosphate content, culm length and third length.
