인공호에서 수온의 수직분포와 수층혼합의 계절적 변화 및 중층수 유입 현상의 영향

Seasonal Patterns of Reservoir Thermal Structure and Water Column Mixis and Their Modifications by Interflow Current

  • An, Kwang-Guk (Department of Environmental Science, College of Engineering, Ewha Womans University)
  • 발행 : 2001.03.31


본 연구는 1993년 4월부터 1994년 11월까지 대청호 17개 조사지점에서 수온 성충 및 수체 혼합 현상을 평가하였다. 조사기간 동안 하절기 장마 강도의 차이는 뚜렷한 수리 수문학적 연 변화를 가져왔다. 1993년 하절기에 이론적 평균 수체류 시간은 27일로서, 1994년 하절기 (125일)에 비해 3개월 이상 짧았다. 1993년에 수온 성층화와 수층혼합 정도를 조절하는 중요한 물리적 요인은 밀도가 높은 중층수 유입현상(Interflow current)에 의한 것으로 평가되었다. 1993년 하절기동안 상류 유입수는 호수 중류역 (댐으로 부터 27km 부근)에서 수직 하강되어 10${\sim}$20 m 수층을 통과함으로써 표충수인 호수물과는 혼합되지않는 현상을 보였다. 중층수 유입은 수온 성층화 현상의 약화, 하류역의 중층-심층에서 평균 $4^{\circ}C$ 이상의 온도상승 효과 및 13 m 이상의 수층혼합을 가져왔다. 전자와 비교해볼 때, 1994년 하절기 중층수 유입현상은 관측되지 않았으며, 호수전체에 강한 성층이 형성되고 있음을 보였다. 1993년 온도 저항력 (Thermal resistance)은 $4.0\;{\time}\;10^5\;erg$로서, 1994년의 값($8.2\;{\time}\;10^5\;erg$)에 비해 절반 수준을 보임으로서, 수체의 물리적 불안정 상태를 시사하였다. 본 호수는 연중 겨울에 1회 수층혼합을 보이는 Warm monomixis 특성을 보였으나, 두해 사이의 수충혼합 시기는 차이를 보였다. 1993년 수층혼합은 1994년에 비해 약 1개월 일찍 일어났다. 하절기 동안 심충 수온 변화(Y)는 댐으로부터의 방류량(X)에 의해 98%까지 설명되었다($Y=4.35-0.06X+0.10X^2$, f<0.0001), 총체적으로 본 수체에서 수온 안정성, 수층혼합 시기 및 수 체류시간은 1차적으로 하절기 몬순 강도에 의해 조절되는 것으로 사료된다.

contrasting monsoon between 1993 and 1994 produced an interannual difference in hydrology. Theoretical water residence time (TWRT) in monsoon 1993 averaged 27 d, which was>3 months shorter compared to the TWRT in monsoon 1994. A dominant physical process influencing thermal stratification, water movement, and mixing regime was an interflow current in 1993. During summer 1993, river water plunged to mid-lake (location 27 km) and passed through the 10${\sim}$20m stratum of the reservoir, resulting in an isolation of epilimnetic lake water from advected river water. The interflow disrupted thermal stratification and produced a meta-hypolimnetic warming of >4$^{\circ}C$ downlake, thereby increased a mixing depth (>13 m). In contrast, during monsoon 1994 density currents were not observed and strong thermal stratification occurred in the entire reservoir, resulting in > 2 fold greater thermal resistance (8.2${\times}10^{5}$ erg)compared to 1993 (4.0${\times}10^{5}$ erg). This reservoir was identified as a typical warm monomictic reservoir which showed one mixis during early winter. The timing of overturn, however, differed between the two years as a result of distinct contrast in TWRT and thermal regime; overturn in 1993 occured about one month earlier relative to that in 1994. Hypolimnetic warming was predictable in this system; the variation in discharge accounted (Y = 4.35-0.06X+0.10X$^{2}$, p<0.0001)for 98% of the interannual variation in hypolimnetic temperature. Overall data suggest that thermal stability, the timing of fall overturn, and water residence time in this system are primarily regulated by the intensity of monsoon.



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  2. Korean J. Limnol. v.33 Monsoon inflow as a major source of in-lake phosphorus An, K-G.
  3. Hydrobiologia v.436 Temporal and spatial patterns in salinity and suspended solids in a reservoir influenced by the Asian monsoon An, K-G.;J.R. Jones
  4. Limnol. Oceanogr. v.18 An analysis of factors governing productivity in lakes and reservoirs Brylinsky, M.;K.H. Mann
  5. Rep. Suwa Hydrobiol. v.7 Eutrophication of the major reservoirs in Korea Cho, K.S.;B.C. Kim;W.M. Heo;D.S. Kim
  6. Korean. J. Limnol. v.22 The succession of phytoplankton in Lake Soyang Cho, K.S.;B.C. Kim;W.P. Hoe;S.J. Cho
  7. Reservoir Limnology: ecological perspectives Dissolved oxygen dynamics. Chapter 4 Cole, T.M.;H.H. Hannan
  8. Limnol. Oceanogr. v.20 The phosphorus budget of Cameron Lake, Ontario: the importance of flushing rate to the degree of eutrophy of lakes Dillon, P. J.
  9. Reservoir Limnology: ecological perspectives Reservoir transport process Ford, D.E.;Thornton, K.W.(et al. ed.)
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  13. Can. Wat. Resour. J. v.7 The establishment of water quality gradients in reservoirs Kennedy, R.H.;K.W. Thornton;R.C. Gunkel
  14. An ecological study of phytoplankton in lake Soyang Kim, B.C.
  15. International symposium on eutrophication and water resources management and the 30th Annual meeting of the KSL Eutrophication of large freshwater ecosystems in Korea Kim, B.C.;J.H. Park;K.S. Choi;G.S. Hwang
  16. Korean. J. Limnol. v.13 Horizontal variation of primary productivity and environmental factors in Lake Soyang Kim, B.C.;K.S. Cho;J.H. Shim
  17. Korean. J. Limnol. v.22 The eutrophication of Lake Soyang Kim, B.C.;K.S. Cho;W.M. Heo;D.S. Kim
  18. Reservoir Limnolyogy-Ecological Perspectives Reservoir primary production Kimmel, B.L.;O.T. Lind;L.J. Paulson
  19. Lake and Reserv. Manage. v.6 Occurrence and prediction of algal blooms in Lake Taneycomo Knowlton, M.F.;J.R. Jones
  20. Arch. Hydrobiol. v.83 Comparison of surface and depth-integrated composite samples for estimating algal biomass and phosphorus values and notes on the verical distribution of algae and photosynthetic bacteria in midwestern lakes Knowlton, M.F.;J.R. Jones
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  23. Verh. Int. Ver. Limnol. v.14 Mortion in thermoclines Mortimer, C.H.
  24. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. v.25 Temporal variability in a midwestern stream during spring Perkins B.D.;J.R. Jones
  25. Biodiversity of the southeastern United Statesaquatic commuinites Lentic systems; reservoirs Soballe, D.M.;B.L. Kimmel R. H. Kennedy;R.F. Gaugush;Hackney, C.T.(ed.);S.M. Adams(ed.);W.H. Martin(ed.)
  26. Bioscience v.35 Seasonal sucession of phytoplankton in Lake Constance Sammer, U.
  27. Reservoir Limnologcy: ecological perspectives Perspectives on reservoir limnology Thornton, K.W.;Thornton, K.W.(et al. ed.)
  28. Hydrobiologia v.226 Eutrophication processes regulated by a plunging river inflew Vincent, W.F.;M.M. Gibbs;R.H. Spigel
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