The Corneal Base Curve, Astigmatism, and Power of Women College Students

여대생들의 각막기본 곡률, 난시, 굴절력

  • Kim, Douk-Hoon (Department of Ophthalmic Optics, Masan College) ;
  • Choi, Ho-Seong (Department of Ophthalmic Optics, Sunchon Chongam College)
  • 김덕훈 (마산대학 안경광학과) ;
  • 최호성 (순천 청암대학 안경광학과)
  • Published : 2001.12.31


The corneal structure and function changes somewhat with aging. We were performed the analysis of women college students on the base curve, power, and astigmatism axis of the cornea by keratometer. All women subjects were between the ages of 19 and 20 years. On the corneal base curve. the right eye of the ages of 19 was 7.64 mm in vertical and 7.81 mm in horizontal. But, the left eye was 7.65 mm in vertical and 7.83 mm in horizontal on the other hand, the right and left eye of the ages of 20 was 7.72 mm in vertical and 7.75 mm in horizontal. On the corneal diopter power, the right eye of the ages of 19 was 44.21 diopter in vertical and 43.32 diopter in horizontal. But, the left eye was 44.23 diopter in vertical and 43.24 diopter in horizontal. On the other hand, the right eye of the ages of 20 was 43.67 diopter in vertical and 43.62 diopter in horizontal. But, the left eye was 43.73 diopter in vertical and 43.6 diopter in horizontal. According to the corneal astigmatism axis style, the right eye of the ages of 19 have 83% positive for with the rule astigmatism, and 16% positive for against the rule astigmatism. But, the left eye of the ages of 19 have 86% positive for with the rule astigmatism, and 12% positive for against the rule astigmatism. On the other hand, the right eye of the ages of 19 have 56% positive for with the rule astigmatism, and 44 % positive for against the rule astigmatism. But, the left eye of the ages of 20 have 56% positive for with the rule astigmatism, and 41% positive for against the rule astigmatism. According to the diopter power of corneal astigmatism. The right eye of the ages of 19 have 36% positive for behind 1 diopter and left eye have 31%. But, the right and left eye of the ages of 20 have 37.5%. The right and left eye of the ages of 19 have 42% positive for 1 diopter, and the right eye of the ages of 20 have 34.4% positive for 1 diopter and the left eye have 43.8%. The right eye of the ages of 19 have 12% positive for 2 diopter and left eye have 22%. But, the right eye of the ages of 20 have 15.6% positive for 2 diopter and the left eye have 12%. The right eye of the ages of 19 have 4% positive for 3 diopter and left eye have 3%. But, the left eye of the ages of 20 have 3% positive for 3 diopter and the left eye have 6%. On the other hand, the right eye of ages of 19 have 6% positive over 4 diopter, and the left eye have 2%. But, the right eye of ages of 20 have only 9% positive over 4 diopter.

각막의 구조와 기능은 연령에 따라 다소 변화한다. 본 연구는 케라토미터를 이용하여 각막의 곡률, 굴절력, 난시축에 대해서 여대생을 대상으로 분석하였다. 모든 피검자는 19세와 20세로 하였다. 19세의 우안 수직각막 곡률 반경은 약 7.64 mm이고 수평 곡률 반경은 약 7.81 mm이며, 좌안 수직각막, 곡률 반경은 약 7.65 mm이고 수평 곡률 반경은 약 7.83 mm이다. 한편 20세의 우안과 좌안의 수직각막 곡률 반경은 약 7.72 mm이고, 수평 곡률 반경은 약 7.75 mm이다. 19세의 우안 수직각막 굴절력은 약 44.21 diopter이고 수평굴절력은 약 43.32 diopter이며, 좌안 수직각막 굴절력은 약 44.23 diopter 이고 수평굴절력이 약 43.24 diopter이다. 한편 20세의 우안 수직각막 굴절력은 약 43.67 diopter이고 수평굴절력은 약 43.62 diopter이며, 좌안 수직각막 굴절력은 약 43.73 diopter이고 수평굴절력은 약 43.60 diopter이다. 축에 따른 각막난시의 형태는 19세 우안은 직난시가 약 83%, 도난시가 약 16%이고, 좌안은 직난시가 약 86%이고 도난시는 12%였다. 20세 우안은 직난시가 약 56%이고, 도난시가 약 44%이며, 좌안은 직난시가 56%이고, 도난사가 41%로 나타났다. 난시의 도수에 대해서 1 diopter 미만은 19세 우안은 36%이고 좌안은 31%이나 20세는 좌우안 모두 37.5%이다. l diopter 이상에서 2 diopter 미만은 19세 우안과 좌안은 42%이나, 20세의 우안은 34.4%이고 좌안은 43.8%이다. 한편 2 diopter 이상에서 3 diopter 미만은 19세 우안은 12%이나 좌안은 22%이고, 20세의 우안은 15.6%이고 좌안은 12%이다. 3 diopter 이상에서 4 diopter 미만은 19세 우안은 6%이고 좌안은 2%이나, 20세는 우안만 9%이다.
