갯벌과 간척농지의 수질 및 대기조절가치의 비교분석

A Comparative Analysis of the Functional Values for Wastewater Treatment and Atmospheric Regulation in Coastal Wetland and Rice Paddy Ecosystems

  • 표희동 (한국해양수산개발원 환경안전연구실)
  • 발행 : 2001.04.30


Functional values for wastewater treatment and atmospheric regulation in coastal wetland and rice paddy ecosystems are quantified, and an illustration is given on how to integrate biophysical parameters into a valuation framework. This is one of most controversial issues in economic analysis for wetland preservation versus wetland conversion to agricultural use. This paper includes theoretical considerations for estimating functional values of environmental ecosystems, and the integration of biophysical data and replacement cost method employed. Specific physical and geographical characteristics and data on ecosystem functions and services in coastal wetlands and rice paddies are addressed for evaluating their values in economic terms. In particular this paper indicates double counting problems and overestimation in the previous studies, and demonstrates how to avoid them and to maintain the consistency of valuation process involving a least-cost method, thus enables an accurate integration of the coastal wetland ecology and wetland economics. As a result which is far away from the previous studies, the total economic present value of wastewater assimilation by coastal wetland is estimated at 7,484,640 won/ha, and the net present value of positive effect for atmospheric regulation, negative effects for air pollution and water pollution by rice paddy is estimated at -37,934 won/ha, assuming that resources are infinitely long-lived and the annual value and the rate of discount (10%) is constant every year. In conclusion, for further reliability and validity of functional values for natural resources it is very noteworthy that a general equilibrium framework that could directly incorporate the interdependence between ecosystem functions and services would be preferred to the partial equilibrium framework.
