Design of a Messaging System for B2B Workflow

B2B 워크플로우의 메시징 시스템 설계

  • 서창교 (경북대학교 경영학부) ;
  • 김정삼 (데이콤 시스템 테크놀러지) ;
  • 이형석 (경북대학교 대학원 경영학과)
  • Published : 2001.03.31


B2B(business-to-business) commerce has become the prime driver of contemporary electronic commerce. Under B2B commerce, corporations often must operate across organizational boundaries to share their business processes. Workflow management was proposed by Aalst(4, 5) to support several business partners that are involved in shared workflow processes in B2B commerce. We designed a messaging system for B2B workflow, where heterogeneous workflow management systems on each organization for trade were integrated. Based on Aalst's example in(4, 5), we analyzed B2B workflow by using class diagram, use case diagram, activity diagram, and statechart diagram of UML, and designed the messaging system, We also demonstrated a prototype system which was implemented by using Java API and XML. To compare with a holistic system such as EDI systems, the messaging system allows the business partners in B2B commerce to communicate with each other by dedicated messages and integrate each B2B interoperable workflow without any restrictions.
