Multivariate Analysis on Invertebrate Communities in Litter and Soils of Japanese Red Pine Forests treated by Beauveria bassiana

백강균(白殭菌)을 처리(處理)한 소나무림의 낙엽(落葉)과 토양(土壤)에 서식(棲息)하는 무척주동물(無脊柱動物) 군집(群集)에 대한 다변량분석(多變量分析)

  • Kwon, Tae-Sung (Division of Forest Biology, Korea Forest Research Institute) ;
  • Park, Young-Seuk (Division of Forest Biology, Korea Forest Research Institute) ;
  • Shin, Sang-Chul (Division of Forest Biology, Korea Forest Research Institute) ;
  • Lee, Buom-Young (Division of Forest Biology, Korea Forest Research Institute)
  • Received : 2001.03.12
  • Accepted : 2001.10.04
  • Published : 2001.10.30


We tested if the treatment of Beauveria bassiana would influence invertebrate communities in litter and soils by multivariate analysis. The PCA (principal components analysis) was used for the analysis. Using the distances between communities in the ordination space, we carried out statistical tests whether any factors would influence structures of the communities. We did not found any significant effects of the Beauveria treatment on invertebrate communities in both litter and soils.

다변량분석법(주성분분석법, PCA)을 이용하여 무척추동물 군집에 백강균 처리가 미치는 영향을 검정하였다. 좌표공간내의 군집들간의 거리를 이용하여, 군집구조에 미치는 요인들의 영향을 통계 검정하였다. 백강균 처리는 낙엽과 토양의 무척추동물 군집에 유의한 영향을 주지 않았다.
