Multi-Image Stereo Technique Using Self-Consistency

자기 일치성을 이용한 다중 영상 스테레오 기법

  • 김민석 (명지대 공대 전기정보제어공학부) ;
  • 우동민 (명지대 공대 전기정보제어공학부)
  • Published : 2001.05.01


The ability to efficiently and robustly recover accurate 3D terrain models from sets of stereoscopic images is important to many civilian and military applications. To develop an effective and practical terrain modeling system, we propose a new multi-image stereo method which detect unreliable elevations in DEM(Digital Elevation Map), and fuse several DEMs from multiple sources into an accurate and reliable results. This paper focuses on two key factors for generating robust 3D terrain models: the ability to detect unreliable elevation estimates and the ability to fuse the reliable elevations into a single optimal terrain model. We apply the self-consistency methodology to reconstruct accurate DEM from multi-image and show the method is more effective than the conventional stereo image 3D reconstruction method. Using photo-realistic simulator, four synthetic image are generated from ground truth DEM and orthoimage to evaluate the accuracy of the proposed method quantitatively.



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