자세 결정용 GPS 수신기와 DR을 이용한 통합 시스템

An attitude determination GPS Receiver Integrated with Dead Reckoning Sensors

  • 발행 : 2001.02.01


In the GPS/DR integrated system, the GPS position(or velocity) is used to compensate the DR output and to calibrate errors of the DR sensor. This synergistic relationship ensures that the calibrated DR accuracy can be maintained even when the GPS signal is blocked. Because of the observability problem, however, the DR sensors are not sufficiently calibrated when the vehicle speed is low. This problem can be solved if we use a multi-antenna GPS receiver for attitude determination instead of conventional one. This paper designs a two-antenna GP receiver integrated with DR sensors. The proposed integration system has three remarkable features. First, the DR sensor can be calibrated regardless of the vehicle speed with the aid of two-antenna GPS receiver. Secondly, the search space of integer ambiguities in GPS carrier-phase measurements is reduced to a part of the surface of the sphere using DR heading. Thirdly, the detection resolution of cycle-slips in GPS carrier-phase measurements is improved with the aid of DR heading. From the experimental result, it is shown that the search space is drastically reduced to about 3/20 of the non-aided case and the cycle-slips of 1 or half cycle can be detected.



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