A Study on Photoreceptor by Using the Effect of Additives


We have been studied photosensitization mechanism's additive effect, of perylene 3,4,9,10-tetracarboxyl-diimide and X-phthalocyanine (charge generation materials), using the photochemical and photoelectrochemical approach. It was found that the photoreceptor on the excited state reacts with metal oxide, which creates the charge transfer on the interface of SnO2/electrolyte. In the electrode (X5P1) made of five X-phthalocyanine and single perylene 3,4,9,10-tetracarboxyldiimide layers, the cathodic photocurrent of X-phthalocyanine in the 400-600 nm region was increased by the addition of perylene 3,4,9,10-tetracarboxyldiimide. The maximum wavelength of fluorescence of perylene 3,4,9,10-tetracarboxyldiimide showed no dependence on the temperature. The addition of 4-dibenzylamino-2-methylbenzaldehyde diphenylhydrazone known as charge transport material was represented as decreasing photocurrent for X-phthalocyanine and perylene 3,4,9,10-tetracarboxyldiimide, respectively. In the electrode (X1P1) made of single X-phthalocyanine and single perylene 3,4,9,10-tetracarboxyldiimide layers, an anodic photocurrent of about 10.5 nA was generated by addition of hydroquinone at 550 nm. And the characteristic of photoinduced discharge was shown to decrease by a factor of 5 and the speed of dark decay was increased by a factor of 1.2.



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