The Effects of Sunghyangjunggi-san and Gwackhyangjunggi-san Extracts on Cerebral Ischemia Following the MCA Occlusion in Rat

흰쥐의 중대뇌동맥 결찰로 유발된 뇌허혈에서 성향정기산과 곽향정기산이 신경세포에 미치는 효과

  • 김선영 (동국대학교 한의과대학 내과학교실) ;
  • 이원철 (동국대학교 한의과대학 내과학교실)
  • Published : 2001.12.01


Objectives : The purpose of this investigation is to evaluate and compare the effects of Sunghyangjunggi-san (SH) and Gwackhyangjunggi-san (GH) extracts on reperfusion following the MCA occlusion in rats. Methods : To evaluate the effect of Sunghyangjunggi-san (SH) and Gwackhyangjunggi-san (GH) extracts on reperfusion following the MCA occlusion, the volume of cerebral infarction and edema were measured and the change of the CA1 pyramidal neurons in the hippocampus were investigated by light microscopy. Results : 1. The infarction volume of the control group was 23.6%, that of the GH group was 23.7%, and that of the SH group was 18.5%. 2. The brain edema volume of the control group increased by 16% compared with that of the normal group, that of the GH group increased by 14%, and that of the SH group increased by 9%. 3. The number of surviving pyramidal neurons in the CAI area of the hippocampus was investigated under light microscopy. In the control group, few surviving pyramidal neurons excisted (mean 6.4) and similarly in the GH group (mean 8.5), but in the SH group, the number of surviving pyramidal neurons was significantly higher, to the mean 18.4. Conclusions : According to the above results, in regard to the damage of neurons following cerebral ischemia, the GH group has little effect of the protection of neurons compared to the control group, but the SH group has a remarkable effect.



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