자체검사제도가 갖는 재해예방 효과

The Importance of Self-Inspection in Accident Prevention

  • 백종배 (충주대학교 안전공학과)
  • 발행 : 2001.12.01


In compliance with the Industrial Safely and Health Acts, the owners/users have performed self-inspection at regular intervals to secure safety in the use of hazardous machinery, equipment and facilities However, securing safety, which is the goal of self-inspection, has not been thoroughly understood in most small businesses and factories. The objective of this research is to analyze the importance and effects of self-inspection in preventing accidents in businesses and factories that use hazardous machinery and facilities. The result shows that self-inspection has made a good contribution to the prevention of accidents. Most businesses and factories that responded the survey answered they have improved safety in the use of machinery and facilities through self-inspection, though the ways of self-inspection were not all the same. However, the result also reveals that there are rooms for further improvement in the areas of self-inspection intervals, self-inspection methods and the selection of self-inspection objects. This improvement is necessary to improve the effect of self-inspection and to minimize regulations of the government on business activities.
