Circuit Techniques for Low-Power Data Drivers of TFT-LCDs

  • Choi, Byong-Deok (Hanyang. University, Division of Electrical and Computer Engineering) ;
  • Kwon, Oh-Kyong (Hanyang. University, Division of Electrical and Computer Engineering)
  • 발행 : 2001.09.01


A stepwise driving method was used for reducing the AC power consumption in a TFT-LCD. The AC power takes the largest portion of the total power consumption of a TFT-LCD. Experimental results confirmed that the AC power saving efficiency reached up to 75% when a 5-stepwise driving with each step time of $2\mu$ sec was applied to a 14.1 inch-diagonal XGA TFT-LCD. The second largest component of power consumption called the DC power comes from the quiescent currents in Op-amps. A simple and efficient architecture was proposed in this work to reduce this DC power consumption: Half of the Op-amps have the 5V-supplies, and the rest half have the 10V-supplies, and two Op-amps are shared by adjacent two channels. Measurements of test circuits showed that this simple method could reduce over 40% of the DC power consumption..



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