Lingua Humanitatis (인문언어)
- Volume 1 Issue 2
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- Pages.221-228
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- 2001
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- 1598-2130(pISSN)
Different views on English Linguistics
영어학을 보는 시각차이
This article criticizes Professor Nam-Sik Park's understanding and proposals on the educational implementation of English Linguistcs in Korea. First of all, this article claims that 'studying English' cannot be the primary goal of 'doing English linguistics', arguing that the curriculum related to the English linguistics should not be altered on the basis of the practical use of English linguistics. The article furthermore criticizes Professor Park's narrow view on the 'practicalism'. Criticism is also addressed to Professor Park's undesirable and unduly clear-cut dichotomy on 'data' versus 'theory', 'subject' versus 'object', 'theoretical linguistics' versus 'applied linguistics', and 'English linguistics' versus 'linguistics', while the author's fundamental emphasis is given to the idea that humanistic understanding of English language is neccessary for proper and extensive comprehension and application of English linguistics in Korea.