한국산 가재 Cambaroides similis (십각목, 가재과)의 후기배발생

Postembryonic Development of the Korean Crayfish, Cambaroides similis (Decapoda, Cambaridae) Reared in the Laboratory

  • 발행 : 2001.04.01


한국산 가재 (Cambaroides similis)의 후기배발생과정을 상세히 기재하고, Astacidae와 미국산 가재과(Cambaridae)에서 후기배발생과정이 알려진 종들과 아시아산 가재속 (Cambaroides)의 종들에서, 그 계통적 유연관계를 비교 조사하였다. 한국산 가재의 포란한 암컷은 5월에 출현하였다. 제1, 2 어린시기는 15.0$\pm$0.5$^{\circ}C$에서 각기 2주일과 4주일이 소요되었다. 제3 어린시기에는 모체로부터 이탈하였다. 제1 어린시기의 제1소악과 제2 어린시기의 제2촉각, 제2소악, 복지, 그리고 미지에서 그 형태적 특징들이 가재과(Cambaridae)보다 Astacidae와 매우 유사함을 알 수 있었다.

The postembryonic development of the Korean crayfish, Cambaroides similis (Koelbel, 1892), was described in detail and compared with those of other known species of Astacidae and American Cambaridae, and phylogenetic relationship of the genus Cambaroides was discussed. Ovigerous females of the Korean crayfishes appear in May. Durations of juvenile stages 1 and 2 are two and four weeks at 15.0 $\pm$ 0.5$^{\circ}C$, respectively. From juvenile stage 3, it leaves from its mother. It is considered that C. similis is very closely related more to the Astacidae than to the Cambaridae in the characteristics of the maxillule of juvenile stage 1 and the antenna, maxilla, pleopod, and telson of juvenile stage 2.



  1. The young crayfishes of the Astacus and Cambarus v.35 Andrews, E. A.
  2. A study on the identifixation and chronology of the embryonic stages of the feshwater cryfish Austropotamobius pallipes (Lereboullet, 1858) v.61 Celada, J. D.;J. M. Carral;J. Gonzalez
  3. The Eurasian far-easterm crawfishes: a preliminary overview v.8 Freshwat Fitzpatrick, J. F. Jr.
  4. Embryonic and postembryonic development in the Tasmanian freshwater crayfishes Astacopsis gouldi v.43 Astacopsis franklinii and Parastacoides tasmanicus tasmanicus (Decapoda: Parastacidae) Hamr, P.
  5. Synopsis of the families and genera of crayfishes (Crustacea: Decapoda) v.164 Hobbs, H. H. Jr.
  6. Breeding in the freshwater crayfish Paranephrops Planifrons White v.1 Hopkins, C. L.
  7. Illustrated Flora and Fauna of Korea v.19 The Ministry of Education Kim, H. S.
  8. Studies on the age and growth of Crustacea v.24 Kurata, H.
  9. Five species of crayfishes in our country v.3 The Nature and Animals ( New Science Co. Ltd.) Miyake, S.
  10. Postembryonic to adult growth and development in the crayfish Orconectes neglectus chaenodactylus Williams v.46 Price, J. O.;J. F. Payne
  11. Biota v.3 Ontogenetic development of the Chilean burrowing crayfish Parastacus pugnax (Poeppig, 1835) under laboratory conditions Rudolph, E.;J. C. Iracabal
  12. Concepcion v.65 Desarrollo embrionario y postembrionario del camaron de rio Samastacus spiinifrons (Philippi, 1882) (Decapoda, Parastacidae), en condiciones de laboratorio Rudolph, E.;J. C. Iracabal
  13. The attachment of the young in the New Zealand freshwater cryfish Paranephrops zealandicus (White, 1847) (Decapoda, Astacida, Parastacidae) v.22 Scholtz, G.
  14. The Biology of two species of Engeaus (Decapoda,: Parastacidae) in Tasmania v.28 Life history and laval development, with particular refrence to E. Suter, P. J.
  15. The setae of Austropotamobius palipes (Crustacea: Astacidae) v.160 Thomas, W. J.
  16. On the mode in which the young of the New Zealand Astacidae attach themselves to the mother v.18 Wood-Mason, J.
  17. Larval development of a Japanese cryfish v.61 Yamanaka, K.;R. Kuwabara;T. Shio