- Ann Rep Yamanasi Agri Exp Sta v.5 Mass propagation by tissue culture in Japanese angelica tree (Aralia elat) Amemiya K;Fujiki T;Hyuga S
- Silvae Genet v.32 Somatic cell differentiation and rapid clonal propagation of aspen Ahuja MR
- MS Thesis Several factors affecting on somatic embryo induction and plant regeneration in Aralia elasta Seem Bae CH
- In Vitro Enbryogenesis in plants Somatic embryogenesis in herbaceous dicots Brown DCW;Finstad KI;Watson EM;Thorpe TA(ed.);
- RAPDDIST 1.0. Department of Microbiology Black WCIV
- Plant Cell Rep v.9 Plant regeneration by somatic embrygenesis from cultured immature embryos of oak (Quercus robur L.) and linden (Tilia cordata M.) Chalupa V
- PHYLIP (Phylogeny Inference Package) version 3.5c. Distributed by author Felsenstein J
- Bio/Tech v.4 Genotype specificity of somatic embryogenesis and regeneration in maize Hodges TK;Kamo KK;Imbrie CW;Becwar MR
- J Kor For Soc v.89 Diversity of I-SSR variants in the populations of Torreya nucifera Hong YP;Cho KJ;Kim YY;Shin EM;Pyo SK
- Plant Sci Lett v.8 Genetical studies with petunia leaf protoplasts. I. genetic variation to specific growth hormones and possible genetic control on stages of protoplast development in culture Izhar S;Power JB
- Kor J Crop Sci v.38 Callus induction and plant regeneration from leaf tissue culture of Aralia elata S. Jhang HH;Park CH;Cho DH;Shin YB
- Kor J Plant Tiss Cult v.21 Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration in suspension cultures of Aralia elata S Jhang HH;Park CH;Lee YS;Shin YB
- Crop Sci v.19 Heteorosis and ploidy effects on the growth of alfalfa callus Keyes GJ;Bingham ET
- In Vitro Embryogenesis in Plants Somatic embryogenesis in herbaceous monocots Krishnaraz S;Vasil IK;TA Thorpe(ed.)
- Theor Appl Genet v.66 Improved efficiency of somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration in tissue cultures of maize (Zea mays L.). Lu C;Vasil V;Vasil IK
- Kor J Plant Tiss Cult v.26 Factors influencing somatic embryo induction and plant regeneration in Aralia elata Seem Moon HK;Oh KE;Son SH
- Somatic Embryogenesis in Woody Plants v.5 Somatic embryogenesis from winter buds of 10-year-old Aralia elata Moon HK;Youn Y;Jain SM(ed.);Newton RZ(ed.)
- Physiol Plant v.15 A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissue culture Murashige T;Skoog F
- Kor J Med Crop Sci v.2 Effect of media and plant growth regulators on germination of somatic embryos of Aralia elata S. Park CH;Lee YS;Jhang HH;Kim NS;Shin YB
- In Vitro Cel Dev Biol-Plant v.34 Application of somatic embryogenesis in high-value clonal forestry: deployment, genetic control, and stability of cryopreserved clones Park YS;Barrett JD;Bonga JM
- Somatic Embryogenesis in Woody Plants v.4 Somatic embryogenesis from immature fruit of Juglans cinerea Pijut PM;Jain SM(ed.);Gupta PK(ed.);Newton RZ(ed.)
- Somatic Embryogenesis in Woody Plants v.4 Commericialization of plant somatic embryogenesis Sutton BCS;Polonenko;Jain SM(ed.);Gupta PK;Newton RZ(ed.)
- Plant Cell Rep v.7 Somatic embryogenesis from immature embryos of redbud (Cercis canadensis) Trigiano RN;Beaty RM;Graham ET
- Somatic Embryogenesis in Woody Plants v.4 Somatic embryo-genesis in woody legmes Trigiano RN;Buckley LG;Merkle SA;Jain SM(ed.);Gupta PK(ed.);Newton RZ(ed.)
- Plant Cell Rep v.10 Regeneration of Cladastris lutea (Fabaceae) via somatic embryogenesis Weaver EG;Trigiano RN
- Variability within and among natural populations v.4 Evolution and genetics of populations Wright S