배양환경을 달리하여 생산한 3가지의 유묘 (타가영양묘, 혼합영양묘, 자가영양묘)를 대상으로 잎의 형태적 특성 및 탄수화물 함량 등을 비교 분석한 결과, 온실묘, 자가영양묘와 혼합영양묘는 하표피층에 왁스의 결정형이 관찰되었으나 타가영양묘에서도 관찰되지 않았다. 기공수와 크기에 있어서는 타가영양묘가 자가영양묘에 비하여 기공이 크고 많았다. 특히, 자가영양묘의 기공형태와 크기는 온실에서 자란 유묘와 거의 유사하였다. 식물체의 탄수화물함량은 자가영양묘가 혼합영양과 타가영양묘에 비하여 많았으며 유리당도 역시 자가영양묘가 가장 많았고 모든 배양묘에서 glucose의 함량이 가장 많았다.
Microstructure of abaxial leaf surface and carbohydrate content of propagules grown in different culture conditions such as heterotrophic, mixotrophic and autotrophic carbon source were investigated. In the leaves of propagules which were grown in the green house, autotrophic and mixotrophic conditions, wax layer was observed, but in the leaves of the heterotrophic propagules, it was not observed. Size and number of stomata of the leaves in the heterotrophic condition was larger and more numerous than that of autotrophic propagules. Especially, stomata of the leaves in the autotrophic condition was similar to the leaves of plant grown in green house. Carbohydrate content was higher in photoautotrophic condition than that in mixotrophic and heterotrophic culture. Also, Free sugar content showed higher in photoautotrophic propagules than that in mixotrophic and heterotrophic culture. In all the culture conditions, content of glucose were higher than that of other free sugars.