- Kluwer Automation and environmental control in plant tissue culture Aiken-Christie J;Kozai T;Smith MAL
- Kluwer Closed transplant production system at Chiba University, Trans plant productin i the 21st century Chun C;Kozai T;Kubota C (ed);Chun C (ed)
- Acta Horticulturae v.230 Development of a photoautotrophic tissue culture system for shoots and/ of plantlets at rooting and acdimatization stages Fujiwara K;Kozai T;Watanabe I
- Jpn j. Trop Agr v.42 Development of a forced ventilation micropropagation system for enhancement of the photoautotrophic growth of sweetpotato plug plantlets cultured in vitro Heo J;Kozai T
- J. High Technology in Agriculture v.3 Objected oriented software developement support system of environmental controller in plant growth factories (in Japanese with English summary and captions). Hoshi T
- Transplant production in the 21st centry Design concept of computerized support systems for large-scale transplant production Hoshi T;Hayashi T;Kozai T;Kubota C(ed);Chun C(ed)
- Transplant production in the 21st century Yield and growth of sweetpotato using plug transplants as affected by their ages and planting depths. Islam AFMS;Chun C;Takagaki M;Sakami K;Kozai T;Kubota C(ed);Chun C(ed)
- Horticultural Reviews v.17 Environmental control and photoautotrophic micropropagation Jeong BR;Fujiware K;Kozai T
- Proc. of ACESYS Ⅲ Conference, Rutgers University Transplant production in closed systmes with artificial lighting for solving global issues on environmental conservation, food , resource and energy Kozai T;Ohyama K;Afreen F;Zobayed S;Kubota C;Hoshi T;Chun C
- Micropopagation-technology and application Micropropagation under photoautotrophic conditions Kozai T;Debergh PC(ed);Zimmerman RH(ed)
- Challenge of Plant and Agricultural Sciences to the Crisis of Biosphere on the Earth in the 21st Century Developing a mass-propagation system of woody plants Kozai T;Kubota C;Zobayed S;Nguyen QT;Afreen Zobayed F;Heo J;Watanbe K(ed);Komamine A(ed)
- Transplant production i the 21st century Microprecision irrigatio system for transplant production Kubota C;Kozai T;Kubota C(ed);Chun C(ed)
- Environment Control in Biology v.36 Environmental effects on the growth of plantlets in micropagation Ngyyen QT;Kazai T
- J. High Technology in Agriculture v.10 Estimating electric energy consumption and its cost in a transplant production factory with artificial lighting: A case study (in Japanese with English summary and captions). Ohyama K;Kozai T
- In vitro Cell Dev Biol-Plant v.35 Development of a forced ventilatin micropropagation system for large scale photoautrophic culture and its utilization in sweet potato Zobayed SMA;Kubota C;Kozai T