- 대기환경연보('98) 국립환경연구원
- 한국조류학회지 v.7 no.1 해오라기 Nycticorax nycticorax 새끼와 성조의 중금속 농도 비교 김정수;이두표;구태희
- 1995년 서울시 교통량 조사자료 서울지방경찰청
- 1996년 서울시 교통량 조사자료 서울지방경찰청
- 1997년 서울시 교통량 조사자료 서울지방경찰청
- 1998년 서울시 교통량 조사자료 서울지방경찰청
- 한국대기보전학회지 v.10 no.3 서울대기중 납농도의 연도별 변화(1984-1993) 이동수;이용근;허주원;이상일;손동헌;김만구
- 한국자연보존협회 연구보고 v.11 야생동물 수종에 대한 중금속 및 유기염소계화합물의 오염실태 조사연구 이두표
- 文部省 環境科學 硏究報告集 B229-R21-12 部市型環境汚染生物指標としてのドベト 大井玄;關比呂伸;森田昌敏
- Environ. Pollut. v.54 Lead levels of Feral Pigeons Columba livia from Madrid(Spain) Antonio-Garcia, M.T.;E. Martinez-Conde;I. Corpas-Vazquez
- Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxlcol. v.15 Organ and tissue distribution of heavy metals, and age-related changes in the Eastern Great White Egret Egretta alba modesta in the Korea Honda, K.;B.Y. Min;R. Tatsukawa
- Environ. Pollut.(Ser. A) v.22 Metal contamination of feral pigeons columba livia fron the London area.;Part 1. Tissue accumulation of leak, cadmium, and zinc Hutton, M.;G.T. Goodman
- Environ. Pollut.(Ser. A) v.26 Accumulation of heavy matals selenium in three seabird species from the United Kingdom Hutton, M.
- M. S. thesis, Charles University Nektere aspekty ekologie feralnjch holubu Columbia livia f domestica v Bratislave Janda, P.
- C. R. Acad. Sci. v.281 utilisation du pigeon biset Columba livia GM comme temoin de la pollution atmospherique par le plomb Jenkins, C.
- Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. v.11 Accumulation and renal effects of lead in urban populations of Feral Pigeons Columbia livia Johnson, M.S.;H. Pluck;M. Hutton;G. Moore
- Feral Pigeons Johnston, R.F;M. Janiga
- Arch. Eviron. Contam. Toxicol. v.11 Tissue lead concentrations and blood characteristics of Mourning Doves from Southwestern Virginia Kendall, R.J.;P.F. Scanlon
- Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxical. v.43 Distribution and residue level of mercury, cadmium and lead in Korean birds Lee, D.P.;Honda, R.Tatsukawa;P.O.Won
- Heavy metal accumulations in birds-use of feathers as monitoring without killing Lee, D.P.
- J. appl. Ecol. v.9 Ecological studies of the feral pigeon Columbia livia var;1. Population breeding biology and methods of control Murton, R.K.;R.J.P. Thearle;aj. Thompson
- Com. Bichem. Physiol. v.68 no.C The comperative distribution of zinc, cadmium and mercury in selected tissues of the Herring Gull Nicholson, J.K.
- Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxical. v.12 The pigeon, a sensor of lead pollution Ohi, G.;H. Seki;K. Akiyama;H. Yagyu
- Environ. Res. v.26 Lead pollution in Tokyo-the pigeon reflects its amelioration Ohi, G.;H. Seki;K. Minowa;M. Oshawa;I. Mizoguchi;F. Sugimori
- J. Air. Pollut. Control. Assoc. v.20 Pigeons;a new role in air pollution Tansy, M.F.;R.P. Roth
- Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. v.48 Comparison between lead levels in blood and bone tissue of Rock Doves Columba livia treated with lead acetate or exposed to the environment of Alcala de Henares Tejedor, M.C.;M. Gonzalex
- Environ. Pollut. v.9 Lead in soil and vegetation along a New Zealand State highway with low traffic volume Ward, N.I.;R.D. Reeves;R.R. Brooks
- N.Z. J. exp. Agric. v.7 Seasonal variation in the lead contents of soils and pasture species adjacent to a New Zealand highway carrying medium traffi density Ward, N.I.;E, Roverts;R.R. Brooks