마이크로 관성센서 기술

  • 이병렬 (삼성 종합 기술원 MEMS Lab)
  • 발행 : 2001.10.01




  1. FROST & Sullivan Report U.S. MEMS-Based Inertial Sensor Markets
  2. NEXUS task force report A Market analysis for microsystem
  3. Microsystems Industry Report Microstructures and Microsystem technology applications and Market 1997-2002
  4. Proc. IEEE v.86 no.8 Micromachined inertial sensors N. Yazdi;F. Ayazi;K. Najafi
  5. Proc. IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. Inteligent Robots and Systems Micromachined inertial sensors C. Song;B. Ha;S. Lee
  6. IEEE AES Systems Magazine MEMS intertial rate and acceleration sensor R. Hulsing
  7. Proc. IEEE Workshop on Microelectromech. Syst.(MEMS'98) Inertrial sensors technology trends N. Barbour;G. Schmidt
  8. Proc. IEEE Workshop on Microelectromech. Syst.(MEMS'98) Characteristics of a small low cost inertial measurement unit D. J. Murphy
  9. AIAA/IEEE Digital Avionics Systems Conference(16th DASC.) v.2 Microelectromechanical instrument and systems development at the Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, INC. M. Weinberg;J. Connelly;A. Kourepenis;D. Sargent
  10. Proc. IEEE Workshop on Microelectromech. Syst.(MEMS'98) Micromachined intertial sensors for vehicles N. Barbour;E. Brown;J. Connelly;J. Dowdie;G. Brand;J. Nelson;J. O'Bannon