밀리미터파 광전송용 선형 광변조 기술

  • 한상국 (연세대학교 전기전자공학과) ;
  • 전덕호 (연세대학교 전기전자공학과)
  • Published : 2001.07.01




  1. Jounal of Lightwave Technology v.17 no.9 Subcarrier multiplexed lightwave systems for broadband distribution R. Olshansky;V. A. Labziera;D. M. Hill
  2. IEEE Transactios on Microwave Theory and Techniques v.47 no.7 Wide-bandwidth lasers and modulators for RF photonics N. Dagli
  3. IEEE Transactios on Microwave Theory and Techniques v.43 Design of Ultra-Broad-Band LiNbO₃ Optical Modulators with Ridge Structure O. Mitomi;K. Noguchi
  4. IEEE Transactios on Microwave Theory and Techniques v.43 Seventeen-GHz Directional Coupler Optical Modulator M. Yu;A. Gopinath
  5. IEEE Jounal of Quantum Electronics v.27 High-speed Ⅲ - Ⅴ semiconductor intensity modulator R. G. Walker
  6. IEE Proc. Optoelectron. v.142 no.2 Comparative analysis of the performance limit of Franz-Keldysh effect and quantum-confined stark effect electroabsorption waveguide modulators M. K. Chin
  7. Optical Engineering v.134 no.7 Volterra analysis of second and third-order intermodulation of InGaAsP/InP laser diode: theory and experiment S. Hunziker
  8. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics v.22 no.7 On the linear dynamic range of integrated electro-optical modulators G. E. Betts;L. M. Walpita;W. S. C. Chang;R. F. Mathis
  9. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters v.15 no.7 Increased linear dynamic range by low biasing the Mach-Zender modulator M. L. Farwell;W. S. C. Chang;R. F. Mathis
  10. WH6, OFC'90 Predistortion linearization directly modulated DFB laser and external modulator for AM video transmission R. B. Childs;V. A. O'byrne
  11. Journal of Lightwave Technology v.11 no.1 Progress in externally modulated AM CATV transmission systems M. Nazarathy;J. Berger;A. J. Ley;I. M. Levi;Y. Kagan
  12. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters v.7 no.10 Intergrated electroabsorption modulator/DBR laser linearized by RF current modulation G. C. Wilson;T. H. Wood;U. Koren
  13. 연세대학교 석사학위 논문 직렬연결 병조 방법 및 전기회로를 이용한 전계흡수광 변조기의 선형화 방법에 대한 연구 손성일;한상국
  14. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters v.10 no.7 Linearization of 1.3-㎛ MQW electroabsorption modulators using an all-optical frequency-insensitive technique K. K. Loi
  15. IEEE Microwave Photonics '99, W2.4 Intergrated dual electroabsorption modulator for narrowband optical link G.W. Lee;S. K. Han
  16. IEEE Microwave Photonics 2000, WE2.11 Nonlinear distortion suppression in dual parallel analog modulation of DFB-LD H. D. Jung;S. K. Han