SD 랫드의 배 .태자발생에 대한 60 Hz 수평자계의 영향

Effects of 00 Hz Horizontally Polarized Magnetic Fields on Embryo-fetal Development in SD Rats

  • 발행 : 2001.12.01


Recently, there is an increasing nationwide concern in Korea that exposure to electric and magnetic fields in the home environment may not be safe in humans. To identify possible effects of horizontally polarized magnetic fields (MF) exposure on embryo-fetal development, timed-mated female Sprague-Dawley rats (24/group) received continuous exposure to 60 Hz MF at field strengths of 0 Gauss (sham control), 50mG,833 mG, or 5000 mG. Dams received MF of sham exposures for 22hr/day on gestation days 6 through 20. Experimentally generated MF were monitored continuously througout the study. There was no evidence of maternal toxicity of developmental toxicity in any MF-exposed groups. Mean maternal body weight, organ weights, and gross findings in groups exposed to MF did not differ from those in sham control. No significant differences in fetal deaths, fetal body weight, and placental weight were observed between MF-exposed groups and sham control. External, visceral, and skeletal examination of fetuses demonstrated no significant differences in the incidence of fetal malformations between MF-exposed and sham control groups. In conclusion, exposure of pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats to 60 Hz at MF strengths up to 5000 mG during gestation day 6-20 did not produce any biologically significant effect in either dams of fetuses.



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